Would You Like To Know How Defense Anti Inflammatory Recipes Help You.

By Whitby Wruck

Leaky gut disease or leaky gut syndrome is a condition that can be caused by antibiotics, infections, parasites, toxins, or poor diet. The significant feature of the condition is alteration or damage to the bowel lining.

The inflammatory response involves the activation of white blood cells that start releasing some chemicals such as cytokines and prostaglandins. Inflammation in some cases may be acute and chronic; some may often relapse depending on the severity of the disease. Inflammation is mostly treated by administering varied doses of corticosteroids that are effective in reducing and suppressing inflammation. Inflammation if not treated properly can aggravate some diseases causing much more problems, as in many cases it is difficult to predict an inflammatory response.

Few anti inflammatory herbal remedies There are many herbal therapies that have been tried through ages and have proven record in healing inflammation by treating the cause. Latest scientific researches have given the final approval to opt for these herbal therapies than the OTC drugs.

Certain types of fruits are better sources of energy than others. Glycemic index and glycemic load are two concepts that have been popularized in the last several years, and are very important to understanding what foods you should be eating. The glycemic index measures how fast a particular food triggers a rise in blood sugar. The higher the amount of glucose or fructose in a food, the fast it breaks down and causes a rise in blood sugar and insulin levels.

Grains and starches are simply long chains of glucose held together by carbon bonds. As a result, they break down very quickly and rapidly enter the blood, causing spikes in blood sugar and insulin.

Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, are between 30 and 70 percent fructose, another type of sugar. Fructose converts very slowly to glucose in the liver, so it causes a much smaller insulin response.

For our purposes here, I've tried to present what is a "generic" version. This version does share with the others the concept that continued and out-of-control inflammation leads to illness and that following an eating plan that avoids inflaming the body promotes health and can help prevent disease.

Licorice root is another popular anti inflammatory herb, but its prolonged use may raise the blood pressure and cause potassium loss. So person suffering from hypertension must be cautious with its use.

Arnica is another herb that is widely used in treating pains and bruises. It can be taken in regulated doses or the mother tincture can be applied to the affected areas to reduce inflammation.

This is why the concept of glycemic load is even more important, because it takes into account not only the rate at which a food enters the bloodstream, but the amount of calories it contains.

This is very important because some foods have a very high total glycemic index, but do not contain many calories, so their glycemic load is relatively low. For example, a bagel and a serving of watermelon both have a glycemic index of 72, while the glycemic load of the fruit is a mere 4 compared to 25 for the bagel! The higher the glycemic load of your diet, the more insulin your body is producing.

A study at Harvard Medical School actually found the higher glycemic load of your diet; the more likely you are to develop obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Clearly, this is an incredibly important concept that must be considered when deciding what foods to eat.

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