Uselessness Of A Calorie Counter

By Dr. Eva Reynosa

Toss out your calorie counter. Pay no attention to the calorie count on food labels. Counting calories is a useless and simple-minded way to decide what you eat. How come? Firstly, a calorie is a unit of heat. Heat does not directly guide metabolism. When caloric heat is released, nothing will put it back.

Scientists define a calorie simply as the amount of heat necessary to raise a milliliter (cubic centimeter) of water one degree Celsius, at sea level and at room temperature. Consuming calories is like saying that you can eat heat.

Health professionals, trainers, nutritionists, and many other experts who ought to know better, wrongly equate food calories to metabolism. This is based on simple-minded reasoning that says calories from food provide you with energy. This is incorrect!

Since you now know that calories are merely heat, you can understand why the only thing they do is effect temperature. The help with maintaining body temperature, not directly with metabolism.

It is helpful to know how food calories are really measured. It is done by completely incinerating the food in an instrument called a bomb calorimeter. In so doing, when only the charred remains are left, it has lost whatever calories it originally contained. The bomb calorimeter measures the amount of heat lost and expresses them as calories released.

The total heat that can be released from food in a bomb calorimeter is well-known for the three main food groups: 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate or protein and 9 calories per gram of fat. However, these numbers reflect only the maximum caloric yield in a bomb calorimeter. This number has nothing to do with what your body gets from food. This is why the maximum caloric potential of foods is, indeed, a nearly useless criterion when it comes to weight loss.

The concept of calories works for bomb calorimeters, not for your body. The calorie count of foods is a maximum potential, not a metabolic potential. Your metabolism has nothing to do with food calories that are measured in a bomb calorimeter.

You can never, ever get all the energy out of food. At the most you might get 10 to 20 percent of the potential energy through your fuel-harvesting metabolism. You will certainly never get more than 30 percent. Sometimes you won't get any calories at all. Using a calorie counter tells you nothing about how your body will metabolize different types of food.

Consider this: in a calorimeter a gram of starch will yield the exact same number of calories as a gram of cellulose, which is indigestible fiber. As you already know, starch is a source of food calories for people. In contrast, cellulose is not.

Similarly, your body gets plenty of caloric value from potatoes and almost nothing from celery. However, in a bomb calorimeter, they would yield comparable calories per gram.

Instead of comparing the metabolism of food to a furnace or calorimeter, it is much more meaningful to talk about what happens to different foods when they are digested, how they get into different kinds of cells (e.g., fat vs. muscle), and what happens to them once they are there.

A possibly surprising comparison for you is the difference between two nearly identical sugars, fructose and glucose. They yield the same number of calories per gram. However, glucose passes through the liver intact and serves a metabolic energy for many kinds of tissues, most notably muscle and liver. In contrast, fructose never escapes intact from the liver. This is why counting calories for even nearly identical foods is so useless.

Note that, as a consequence of consuming glucose vs. fructose, glucose serves your entire body whereas fructose has to be converted to something else before it can move out of your liver. That something else is largely fat, which has to be stored in fat cells. Simply put, glucose gives your body energy and fructose makes you fat. The identical caloric yield of these two sugars means nothing.

By the way, once you understand how misleading the calorie count is for different foods, you will be clearer about why calories have almost nothing to do with being overweight. Now chew on that concept for a while (pardon my pun), because it is the kind of clear thinking that will help you be truly successful in whatever weight management or fitness program that will work for you for a lifetime.

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Proven Muscle Building Tips For A Better Body

By Coach Todd

Regardless of sex, age or fitness level, weight lifting is one of the best ways to improve fitness and overall health. This article includes many tips on maximizing the benefits from your workouts for an effective program in muscle building. Read on to learn more!

Make sure you have enough vegetables in your diet. Avoid concentrating solely on carbs and protein; do not forget your veggies. Veggies have nutrients that other foods high in carbs and proteins do not. In addition, they are excellent sources of fiber. Your body uses fiber to process protein more efficiently.

Keep up your cardio regimen. It may seem as though cardio would reduce mass, it is actually an important part of muscle growth in that it strengthens the heart;s ability to cope with the extra load. Work in a few short cardio routines every week to keep your heart healthy without disrupting your muscle building routine.

Make sure you are eating food that supports your workout schedule. If you want to build muscle, concentrate on eating protein at the expense of fats. It doesn't mean you can eat whatever you want. It means that you should eat a balanced diet that fuels your workouts. Also, talk with your doctor or nutritionist about adding vitamins and supplements to your regimen.

Warming up before you get into your exercise routine is vital for your safety. Warming up for ten or fifteen minutes increases your blood flow and gets your muscles ready for a more extreme workout. This helps to prevent muscle injury and allows you to work harder during your weightlifting sessions.

It may be possible to make yourself appear larger than you do already. When you spend the most effort building your chest, back and shoulders you can add mass and look larger in a faster time. Bulking up this way makes your waist look smaller, and it can make you look larger overall.

When weight training in order to build muscle, don't err by eliminating healthy fats. There are a number of good fats that are vital to muscle growth. If you cut down on fats, you could slow down the recovery process for your muscles. Research also shows a relationship between fat and testosterone levels, an added benefit of consuming good fats!

No matter your age, a beneficial muscle building workout routine can really work wonders for you. Reading this article was the ideal starting point for you as you work to develop and improve your fitness routine in the hopes of increasing muscle mass.

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Directives For Using Natural Health Supplements

By Andrea Davidson

It is not automatic that all the nutrients the body requires will be supplied by food taken. It sometimes get difficult for one to have a balanced diets. This is mostly the case of many of the poor people. The reason being that they do not have a choice but to do with what the have. The natural health supplements mainly become useful in such situations. The health of the individual will, therefore, be sustained.

There are those supplements for different purposes. For example, there are those that help with supplementing most vitamins in the body. There are also those that help in reducing some health deficiencies. There are those that are developed from chemicals but the ones in question are not artificial. They are made from non-artificial sources. These are also refereed to as herbal addendum.

Boosts for bones are just examples. One of the sources is the sun which offers vitamin D. It should also be noted that there are days that the sun will not be there. Other people are not exposed to the sun too due to various reasons. This makes then opt to use vitamin D boosts. This makes their bones healthy even without them being out there in the sun.

Another one for the main boosts is fish oil. The oil is gaining popularity among very many people. Menstrual cramps and heart diseases are just two of the things that it eases to human beings. Heart diseases are caused by the hardening of the coronary arteries of the heart. People do not like the word 'diseases' as it is really a major problem in this time.

These boosts, however, have to be given to people of certain ages. Those that are suitable for an adult, are not the same that a child will take. Children are mainly given natural boosts such as omega 3 but then these will not be very effective to adults too. Adults have a certain diet that mainly offer them what omega 3 offers the small children.

However, there are precautions that need to be taken. People should be sure that their products that they are buying are 100% natural. There are those that are just labelled 'natural' but they actually are not. People have taken advantage of the fact that everyone is going natural and tried to make fake products. People should therefore be keen when buying them.

The FDA which stands for Food and Drug Management came in to solve this problem. The fact that they are not necessarily there to approve the boost products, is not enough reason for them not to care at all. They have initiated a program where the producers have to include their contents on the supplements. They therefore follow up when anyone has had a problem due to the drug. Identification of the non artificial and the artificial drugs is then done.

Finally, it is important to know at what point that one needs to take these natural health supplements. It is not advisable for people to take them out of their own subscription. They should always consult their doctors for these subscriptions. If not, they might go wrong on them and make their conditions even worse.

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Learn Basics About Ozark Gymnastics

By Andrea Davidson

In Ozark gymnastics is a type of sport that entails performance of exercises that require physical strength, balance, agility, power, flexibility, and coordination. At the international level, the sport is regulated by (FIG), an international federation. The federation ensures that the required standards of the game are upheld at all worldwide competitions. Each nation on the globe has a national authority that has some connection with the FIG.

The sport is divided into many disciplines including team gym, tumbling, aerobic, acrobatic, trampolining, rhythmic, and artistic gymnastics. Participants can be of any age, starting with kids of less than two years to adults of both genders. People who endeavor to be international gymnasts start practicing at a very tender age and specialize in one or more disciplines. This sport can also be exercised for recreational purposes besides being a competitive game.

Of all the other specialties in this field, the most recognized discipline is artistic gymnastic. It involves both women and men events and is integrated in most Olympic activities. Events in which ladies participate include floor exercises, balance beams, uneven bars, and vaults. Event for men comprise of high bars, vaults, still ring, parallel bar, floor exercises, and pommel horses.

Points in this game are awarded according to how good an individual executes various events. The score used is called an execution score and is normally out of 10 points. The judge deducts points from the overall 10 points from the beginning to the end of a session. There is however, a new method of awarding marks currently in use in the US in elite level competition.

The new score is referred to as a difficulty score. It brings the number of scores currently in application to two. In difficulty scores, points are awarded as contrasted to execution scores where points are deducted. The difficulty scores are based on the elements gymnasts perform and may change depending on whether the participant completes or fails to do all skills involved. It depends on whether or not someone links the skills to each other as needed.

Connection bonuses are the most known sources of gain in difficulty scores. Connection of components are the awarding aspects here as it is considered tactful to connect several flight elements. Moreover, it is difficult to connect two skills if the first one is not done well to start with. Difficulty scores allow gymnasts to gain much more scores based on the level of sophistication of the event they perform and how perfectly they are performed. Here, there is no border to how much points one may gain.

Most events are executed singly by one person while others involve pairs or groups. Pair and group events require a lot of synchronism and focus among all participants since the failure of a single person affects the whole crew. There are also several equipment used in many skills of each event.

Ozark gymnastics is all about perfecting skills. Gymnasts undergo training for several years before they can appear on the international platform to perform. Most gymnasts are also seen warming up before they participate in an event so as to prepare physically and emotionally.

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Travel Through This Southern French Region With Provence Tours

By Andrea Davidson

Celebrated by the works of Van Gough and by the author Peter Mayle, this sunny area of France has pleased generations of visitors. You will discover its distinctive sites through a Provence tours journey. The coastal areas, beautiful fields, mountains, rivers and historic towns offer numerous ways to explore its distinctive locales.

For getting there the two main international airports are in Nice and Marseille. Both cities have rail links to the main towns in the region. British travelers can take a Eurostar to Paris and pick up a TGV train. The trip from Paris to Marseille takes less than five hours and from Paris to Avignon the ride is three hours 45 minutes long. Bus routes connect towns and villages.

Its location on the borders of Spain and Italy has influenced the distinctiveness of this region. Monte Carlo, St. Tropez, St. Remy, the Papal city of Avignon, the provincial capital city Aix en Provence and Arles are all here. Both the contrasting temperaments of glitz and a relaxed atmosphere attract different travelers with a focus on different pursuits. Some prefer sophisticated pleasures, others seek out the beauty of nature and historic urban sites.

The busy season is full off sightseers. It is better to go in the spring or fall when the crowds are less plentiful. For a scenic view of the Alpine mountain scenery, the Train des Pignes from Nice to Digne les Bains should be included in the itinerary. River cruises will appeal to any traveler seeking a tranquil way to absorb the picturesque landscape. River cruises travel down the Rhone River along the western border of this area and continue along its tributary, the Saone River.

If you would like to include outdoor activities, kayaking, boating, white water rafting and bike riding are widely enjoyed. They are particularly popular in the spectacular Gorges du Verdon and the romantic Camargue. The famous white horses of Camargue can also be ridden and are a highly recommended experience. For invigorating hiking, the GR9 trail covers the hills that include Monts du Vaucluse, the Luberon Range and Mont Ventoux. In the northeast skiers may want to make the Pra Loup ski resort a stop on their trip.

Sunflower fields and vines are in the south, the picturesque Luberon hills lie in the west and the southern Alps are in the northeast. The lavender fields define the essence of this scented land for many. Lavender blooms from about the final week of June to the beginning of August. The sunflowers which inspired Van Gogh are in full bloom between July and August.

The distinctive Provencal gastronomy is famous for its fresh and fragrant ingredients using native produce. For Cezanne, potatoes in oil were so delicious, this simple dish was his favorite. Although Marseille and bouillabaisse are most identifiable, almost every town is associated with an individual dish or ingredient. Aix en Provence is famous for its marzipan like petal shaped Calisson sweet that consisting of a firm almond and candied fruit paste with a white topping. The refreshing Pastis is a native drink.

As you will discover one visit will not be enough. Provence tours will make each journey a memorable one. Visitors can travel at any time. The optimal time is when there are fewer tourists in the way.

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Green Coffee: Side Effects And Dosage

By Jack Straight

It seems like everyone I talk to now-a-days is trying to lose weight. My neighbor is trying the paleo diet, while my co-workers are juicing, and my wife is hunting down diet pills in every supermarket and drugstore we come across. In efforts to find out what works, I've researched the popular diet supplement known as green coffee. This article is designed to explain the proper dosage and potential side effects of green coffee. So if you're still reading, ENJOY!

There are two different ways to take green coffee extract. The lower dosage is designed for weight loss where as the higher dosage is designed for blood sugar control. The lower recommended dose is 400 mg of green coffee taken 30 minutes before each meal for a total of 1200mg per day. The higher recommended dosage is 400mg taken four times throughout the day. Most experts say that there is no need to take more than 1600mg per day.

If you are not careful, green coffee may cause side effects. To avoid side effects, choose a pure and all natural green coffee supplement from a reputable company. Do not take more than 1600mg of green coffee per day. Potential green coffee side effects include stomach upset, nervousness, and trouble falling asleep. These side effects are rare and mild.

The best green coffee supplement will never contain artificial ingredients such as fillers, flow agents, sweeteners, or dyes. Green coffee is plant based, and thus the supplement should be vegan. Always remember that pure supplements are more effective than closed label proprietary blends.

Never purchase a green coffee product that contains any artificial ingredients. Synthetic ingredients such as fillers, flow agents, caffeine, sugars, and dyes can cause a host of unnecessary side effects. To avoid side effects, choose a pure and proven green coffee supplement containing only green coffee bean extract.

The best way to lose weight is with diet and exercise. When diet and exercise are not enough, you may wish to turn to an all natural weight loss supplement such as green coffee. Follow the guidelines recommended by this article to find the best green coffee supplement available.

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Astaxanthin: Simply An Amazing Discovery

By Julie Smythe

It is hard to believe just how much new information is coming out about antioxidants and their benefits. Various vitamins and other compounds provide rich antioxidant benefits. Vitamins A, C, and E fall into this category. Lycopene, found in tomatoes and known as an anti-prostate cancer compound, is an example of a powerful antioxidant that you have probably discovered. Astaxanthin is the latest antioxidant that puts the others to shame. There are a bunch of reasons why Astaxanthin is believed to be the queen of antioxidants.

Astaxanthin is present in a number of marine species. This nutrient accounts for the pink color in flamingos. This nutrient is the by-product of different micro algae that grow in the ocean. Some sea creatures eat the algae, hence the astaxanthin. Some get it from small fish they eat. It is challenging for an individual to consume enough fish and algae to get any of the numerous health improvements. That is why astaxanthin is collected from red micro-algae in order to produce concentrated supplements that can be taken as part of a regular routine.

This nutrient is hands down the winner when compared with others. In cleaning up free radicals, it is 54 times stronger than beta carotene, 14 times stonger than vitamin E, and 65 times stronger than vitamin C.

When combined with free radicals, some antioxidants can become free radicals when taken in large quantities. However, astaxanthin does not do this.

Astaxanthin needs to be taken with your meals in order to take up as much as possible. It can pass through to the retina and brain. Therefore, eyesite and brain health are maintained. It can slow down or protect against macular degeneration, the most frequent reason for blindness.

Skin damage is prevented as well. It absorbs the majority of UVB rays that hit the skin and helps to protect yourself from damage to the DNA that could lead to the formation of melanoma. You need to think about how you can be protecting yourself from the daily exposure to the sun. Astaxanthin is a worthwhile defense against the damaging effects of the UV rays.

There is a warning concerning artificial astaxanthin. Sometimes you simply don't know what you're consuming. Natural form astaxanthin is much more potent than the man-made form. You get what you pay for.

As opposed to many other antioxidants, this one will not metabolize and go out of your body within 1 day. So if you miss supplementing one day, there is nothing to worry about. However, it is recommended that it be consumed in small amounts daily rather than a mega-dose once or twice a week.

The benefits of astaxanthin are so significant that many in the professional medical community are referring to it as one of the best supplements that people should be taking. There is also one other powerful use -- anti-inflammation solution. This is one nutrient that gives you biggest bargain.

Find out more about the top benefits of astaxanthin. Hopefully this can be a turning point in your long-term health.

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