The Right Way to Take Testosterone Supplements

By Nancy J. Olson

Do you have low testosterone levels? If so, I feel for you.Why? Because I know what it's like.I know how the libido goes out the window, the drive and motivation disappear, and the zest for life? Well, let's just say it can be tough to get off the couch when the T tank is empty.You see, testosterone to a man, is like fuel to car.Without the gas, you're not going anywhere!You can read stacks of motivational books, and chant affirmations into the mirror until you're red in the face, but it's not going to do you one bit of good!

So, I decided to do some good digging and reading and then if I manage to put things together, to lay that in writing form so that others can benefit as well. Without wasting even a minute more I will start this off by describing what testosterone is and what it does in the human body. Testosterone is a steroid hormone with anabolic and androgenic properties. It is the main hormone, responsible for the increase in lean muscle tissue, increased libido, energy, bone formation, and immune function.Testosterone is secreted in the testes in men and in the ovaries in women. Small amounts are also secreted in the adrenal glands. Testosterone is derived from cholesterol. The levels of testosterone in men range between 350 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl). Sex Hormone Binding Globulin or SHBG is the one that concerns us the greatest. Why? Because this is the main reason why testosterone might not be available to reach the cell receptor. When testosterone gets attached to SHBG, it is no longer able to perform its anabolic functions.What elevates SHGB: Anorexia nervosa, Hyperthyroidism, Hypogonadism (males), Androgen insensitivity/deficiency, Alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis (males), Primary biliary cirrhosis (females).What suppresses SHGB: Obesity, Hypothyroidism, Hirsutism (females), Acne vulgaris, Polycystic ovarian disease, Acromegaly, Androgen-secreting ovarian tumors Less than 1% of the circulating testosterone is in a free form in males (less that 3% in females). Only when in a free form this hormone can exhibit its properties by connecting to the androgen receptors on the cell walls. Based on a study 14 to 50 per cent of the testosterone is bound to SHBG in males and 37 to 75 in females. It is worth mentioning that SHGB poses very high affinity for binding to testosterone. Therefore, changes in the SHGB levels noticeably influence the level of bioavailable testosterone.Let's discuss for a moment what exactly a testosterone bioavailability is. Other than SHGB there are two more testosterone-binding proteins, also called carriers. One of them is albumin. It is a low-affinity binding protein, thus testosterone bound to it is considered "bioavailable". Albumin binds to testosterone in the range 45 to 85 per cent in men (25 - 65 in women). The third carrier is the cortisol binding globulin, which binds also with low-affinity to less that 1 % of the testosterone in circulation.

The free androgen index (FAI) indicates the amount of bioavailable testosterone. FAI is the sum of the free testosterone and the albumin and cortisol binding globulin. Or it's the total serum testosterone minus the SHGB-bound testosterone.It is now clear why we should focus our attention on the properties of SHGB. The levels of this binding protein increase when there is excess estrogen present. Conversely, SHGB levels drop if the testosterone levels are elevated. Here I should mention the fact that SHGB exhibits higher affinity to testosterone than to estrogen. Now, pay close attention.It's a well-known fact that testosterone is an estrogen precursor - it will convert to estrogen under the influence of the enzyme aromatase. Nothing that we don't know so far. Here is where it gets interesting. Suppose that we have normal testosterone levels and we don't suffer from any of the health ailments, which influence the SHGB levels. That means that SHGB levels are normal, too.

Bare with me now. If more of this testosterone is converted to estrogen due to abnormal aromatase levels, the SHGB I will increase as well. SHGB, being more readily bound to testosterone, will leave us with excess estrogen levels in the system, which in turn will stimulate increased production of the SHGB protein from the liver. This whole process ultimately amplifies estrogen levels. Estrogen readily binds to the androgen receptors in cells thus leaving less opportunity for the free testosterone. Even more important, estrogen is the messenger molecule that signals the brain to decrease testosterone production.Another thing of great importance is the fact that over 40 per cent of the SHGB protein circulates unbound in the blood stream in man (over 80 per cent in women), and albumin circulates unbound almost all of the time. Thus increase in the total testosterone levels does not produce any noticeable changes in the free testosterone levels unless there is a significant increase like the one seen after synthetic steroid hormone administration.Well, this whole story brings us to the conclusion that the main approach should be - to keep the testosterone bioavailability high.In this regard a natural athlete should strive to,Prevent testosterone levels from getting low,Attempt to increase the total testosterone as a means of keeping the testosterone levels from plunging,Block the testosterone-binding effects of SHBG,Lower the levels of the enzyme aromatase - less testosterone conversion to estrogen,How to prevent testosterone levels from getting low?

Studies of heavy drinkers have shown that alcohol directly suppresses testosterone levels in men.And the more alcohol you drink, the worse it gets. Chronic Alcohol abuse is associated with altered levels of all male reproductive hormones, not just testosterone.Now, I'm not saying you need to quit entirely, you just need to drink smart.

One possible solution lies from using a natural herb called tribulus terrestris. Tribulus terrestris is an herb that has been used by many cultures for at least a thousand years to remedy both sexual and also non-sexual problems.Tribulus terrestris has no known side effects when used to boost testosterone levels. It may be a safe and effective way to increase testosterone for men who want to have or have had a vasectomy.

Here are a few more facts on exercise! Researchers at the University of VA measured male growth hormone levels of cyclers after an all out 30 second sprint.These sprints increased HGH levels by a whopping 530% over baseline.Endurance training, has a different hormonal effect. It leads to increased cortisol and low testosterone levels.Failure To Reduce Male Estrogen Levels.

Chrysin is a bioflavonoid that has shown a potential as a natural aromatase inhibitor. Chrysin is poorly absorbed in the system. It is found that when taken along with piperine, chrysin exhibits a lot better absorption. Supplementation with chrysin and piperine together might bring good results in reducing aromatase levels.How does this all apply to the sport of natural bodybuilding Let's assume you are an individual, who exercises regularly and who doesn't consider taking exogenous steroid hormones. With other words you are a natural athlete or enthusiast, who desires to keep his natural testosterone levels in the range, favoring good health and lean muscle mass build up. If you are even slightly overweight consider staring immediately a diet and training routine, tailored toward fat loss and lean muscle retention.Consider also dropping the alcohol intake to absolute minimum if you want your efforts in keeping test levels high to give results. Begin mastering some types of self-control or even meditation. These will take care of the excess stress levels.Take medications only if they are absolutely essential for your health and are prescribed by your doctor. Talk to your personal physician to find out if there are any natural remedies to replace your current medications and if he recommends such approach for your health issue.

Keep your blood pressure and the serum cholesterol in check. Eat enough good fats in your diet. Good means monounsaturated and omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fats.Don't ever overtrain. Sleep enough to promote good recovery. Signs of overtraining are loss of appetite, tiredness and irritability, lack of motivation, impaired mental focus, prolonged recovery periods.Start relying more heavily on basic exercise movements. Train in the low rep range most of the time. 5 - 8 reps will ensure that you're using weights that will eventually stimulate elevated testosterone levels.It will only do you good if you decide to try some or all of these natural supplements: chrysin - piperine blend, nettle root extract, pygeum, avena sativa extract, and tribulus terestris. Try to find them in your local health store. Follow the directions for best results.And you shouldn't even consider training without supplementing your diet with enough vitamin C (at least 1g a day) and zinc (15mg min.). Take vitamin C with your multivitamin formula after breakfast, and post-workout with your protein shake. Zinc should be present in your multivitamin blend but this is not enough. Take zinc with magnesium in the form of ZMA right before you go to bed on an empty stomach.

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Easy Ways To Get Your Weight Down

By Hanson Brightley

As with anything, you will lose more weight if you are armed with the right information. It can be difficult to know what advice to follow since there is so much of it coming from different places. That's why the traditional weight loss advice can often help.

Pizza lovers should take note that there are alternatives to the calories carried by most pizzas. Blot pizza slices with paper napkins to limit your grease intake.

If you want your diet to actually work, it is crucial that you give yourself a reward for being good. Treat yourself to a movie, a message or a little trip to your favorite store. The positive reinforcement of an new outfit can be a great motivator as you continue to work hard to reach your goal weight.

Be sure to consume water before eating. Overeating can lead your brain to miss cues that your belly is beyond full.

Aim to lose one pound every week. It is too much if you are going for more than one pound a week. Losing too much weight too quickly can be a danger to your health and there is a higher chance you will gain it back.

Real weight loss has to begin in the mind, then it affects the body. The power of a determined mind can give you the motivation and the willpower to stick with your decision to lose unwanted weight.

You should exercise at least three times a week and for at least forty minutes a session if you want to lose weight. Try to maintain a workout schedule; work out early in the morning for a boost of energy, or at the end of your day to unwind. Stick your diet and exercise program, and you will soon see the pounds come off.

Use two-percent or skim milk in your coffee each morning, and stop using the higher-fat half & half or whole milk. You can go all the way to skim milk if you want to really minimize calories.

Drinking a healthy amount of water will assist in weight loss. If you fill up on water, you won't be tempted to drink sugary soft drinks when you're thirsty. Drinks like soda pop add many calories to your caloric intake, which hinders your weight loss efforts.

In order to boost the chances of success of your weight loss plan, try to eat at home more frequently, as opposed to dining out. When you eat out at restaurants you can make better choices. You'll also save a ton of cash if you're not dining out.

You can substitute omelets for breakfast during your weight loss program. Include lean meat and veggies to ensure fiber and protein are in your diet. Fiber will fill you up and make you less tempted to eat.

To stay motivated, try hanging a dress that is too small for you next to the refrigerator. Whenever you are craving a piece of junk food, you can see this small clothing item and remind yourself of how much you want to fit into this little piece. It can be very encouraging and help you stay with your diet.

Take a break midway through meals. Sometimes, your body doesn't immediately register that you are full if you eat too quickly. In the middle of your meal, take a break for about five minutes. Pause for a minute or so, and try to evaluate how hungry you are. Decide if you need to eat the rest of your food, just a portion of it, or none at all.

Include exercise in your daily schedule if you are planning to lose some weight. It is always possible to add in some cardio or weightlifting to your day. For instance, you can even do pushups or dips on your kitchen counter while waiting for dinner.

When beginning to watch your diet, try planning your meals around 2,000 calories per day. Look at each meal, and make sure that you are getting everything you need, from vitamin A to Zinc. Any areas that you are lacking in this regard need to be addressed quickly. A multivitamin is one alternative, adding the missing nutrients back through diet alteration is another.

If you find yourself overweight or unhappy with your figure, then this was the article for you. Then focus on finding the easiest ways to integrate this information into your daily life routines, and get ready to start losing some weight.

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10 benefits to Body Revolution

By Dan Goodner

On Having a Leaner Body

Staying fit and healthy is a priority in our generation today; however, only a few fully understand what they truly mean. This means that we should all practice how to eat healthily in order to conserve a good body shape. Being fit should also include regular exercise and having enough rest and sleep. Getting a diet system for you might be best if you want guarantee that you're living a proper life. Find out more on how to lose weight in the most efficient way so you can fully understand what they're all about.

About Diet Programs

Diet plans are created to aid individuals to maintain a good bodyweight through physical exercise, complying to a diet program, along with other approaches an expert will ask you to use. Diet plans will always be done under the guidance of professionals who'll observe and assess how well you're progressing.

Diet programs are especially for people who are struggling to slim down on their own. You'll surely reach your recommended weight and body form if you sign up for an excellent weight loss facility and obtain a diet plan created for your state and needs. Learn more about Jillian Michaels Body Revolution benefits and find out how it can greatly help you get a far more toned body.

Importance of Diet Programs

If you wish to be assured that you are keeping a great lifestyle, diet plans are significant. They're also effective techniques on disciplining yourselves as you are strictly complying to a plan to achieve your goals. These plans are given to people that are struggling with weight reduction after trying numerous methods of weight reduction. Get more info on how to get in shape and learn the important factors to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Components of Diet Programs

The consumption of food - The foods that you consume ought to be supervised once you enroll a diet plan. It's always important that you consume food high in nutrition like fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and others. You also have to consume certain foods that have proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. But don't forget to keep these types of food in moderation that make sure you're not going outside your limitations.

A good exercise - Eating healthy ought to always be paired with good physical exercise. Getting good exercise regularly won't assist you to lose weight and stay fit, and can also help reduce particular health disorders like diabetes, heart diseases, and hypertension or high blood pressure.

Getting a good rest and sleep - Everybody should be able to get enough rest and sleep to maintain a healthy body. People who don't get enough proper sleep tend to get hungrier quickly than others that are well-rested. Never keep back yourself from getting a lot of rest and sleep so you can avoid yourself from becoming hungry more often.

Get more information on Jillian Michaels Body Revolution benefits so that you can finally achieve the body you have always dreamed of.

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Top Tips To Make Hypnosis Effective

By Camille Nicholson

There are lots of professionals capable of hypnosis Charlotte NC. They have tips they can share to ensure that the said process is successful. One of these tips have something to do with the subject's fear. He needs to consider this. If there is fear there, make sure that he eliminates it before starting the entire induction process.

It is also necessary for the professional to start the act with the suggestibility tests. There are various tests in this category that he can make use of. There are the hand clasp test, arm catalepsy test, and many others. The good thing about these tests is that they are very easy to use and makes the act more successful.

The subject should be comfortable with the entire process. Being comfortable is also the same as the subject being relaxed. When they are relaxed, it should be easy to go deeper into the subject's consciousness. To make sure that they are comfortable, eliminate those inconveniences or discomfort that might cause inevitable failure.

Another tip that the person may want to consider is the remarks. It will be good for him to address the subject's sense when he is getting them hypnotized. When their sense are subjected, it will be easy for him to get them to relax well. More than that, they will feel more comfortable when they know what they are feeling and such.

Explaining how the hypnotism works will also be beneficial to the subject. Since this is a hypnotism, the subject might feel scared about some things related to the process. It will be good for him if he can assure them that the hypnotism is not him hypnotizing them but them hypnotizing themselves. This also gives an assurance that they can go about this process in their own effort and pace.

Repeating magic words like relax or go deeper into relaxation will certainly help in making the said induction process successful. This is because the person will believe in it and they will fall into the required state faster. This is also the best means for the person to ensure that the subject is increasing relaxation.

Pay attention to the suggestions that he is giving out. This means to say that he should gradually give out suggestions from simple ones up to the most complex ones. With every suggestion, check the subject's responses before giving another one. This will be good for both the subject and hypnotist.

Psychological suggestions might also become necessary for this matter. The person will have to make sure that the subject will accept the suggestions so he has to reinforce the subject's psychological suggestions. There are many ways to facilitate this and it is certainly up to him to decide which ones will be effective on the subject he is working with.

Be slow but steady. This means that he should not rush things with hypnosis Charlotte NC. There are some things that he can only get when the subjects are hypnotized. Their reactions might be slow since they are in a relaxed state so he should await for their slow reply no matter what.

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Botox As A Treatment Of Choice For Wrinkles

By Tamika Quinn

Botox Union City GA is the preferred treatment for wrinkles these days. This treatment has been proven to smoothen skin giving you that fresh and young looking appearance. If you are already having problems with wrinkly skin, you should consider getting this type of treatment. Many practitioners today provide this treatment to various clients.

Aging is inevitable and this process can bring about many changes in your body. The first part that would show the signs is your skin. When the body ages, your skin starts to wrinkle and sag which affects your appearance one way or another. Nobody would ever want to look old and wrinkly. This urged people to resort to various cosmetic treatments.

The toxin used for this treatment works by decreasing muscle activity. Its effect usually lasts for about four months but can last for two months more. Aside from cosmetic reasons, this is commonly used for treating other conditions as well. Some of these conditions include excessive blinking, excessive sweating, cervical dystonia, bruxism, and strabismus.

At present, this treatment has become a popular choice among people who have concerns about their looks. Seeing the significant results, other patients were convinced to get the treatment as well. Many people prefer this treatment because it is not invasive. This can be performed in a short period of time and patients do not need longer recovery periods.

For the procedure, the solution will be injected in areas where treatment is necessary. The most common site is on the face especially in areas where lines are most likely to show. In some cases, this is also injected on the neck areas. The procedure is done in a clinic where there is complete equipment and medical staff.

Treatment should be administered by a practitioner who is trained and experienced on this. This is to make sure that the procedure is done correctly and the patient would be safe. Some practitioners who can give this treatment include dermatologists, plastic surgeons, dentists, nurses, and spa physicians. The right dosage must be given as this could be lethal when given in high doses.

If you plan to get treated for skin concerns, you should start off by finding the right practitioner. As there are many of them in practice, you must locate somebody who is most capable of doing the procedure. It would then become necessary to check the background of different experts in town. You should see who among them is trusted by many patients.

A consultation is necessary before you head on with the procedure. Doctors need to assess your current health to see if you can undergo treatment. As the patient, you must also be made aware of the procedure and what you may experience afterward. This treatment also has some side effects although very minor ones and are only temporary.

It is certainly good news to know that Botox Union City GA is now available. You may not be able to stop aging but you can find ways to maintain good appearance. If you have such concerns about your looks, this treatment is one thing you should consider. With its availability today, you should know how much you can benefit from this option.

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