Get The Out Of Your Workouts

By Philip Sergey

Ever taken a look around your gym to see what the people around you are doing?

Do you wonder if the workout they are doing will help you reach your own physical goals faster?

Those are a number of questions to contemplate as you continue reading this, but the fact of the matter is there is a 'better ' lift to do than almost all of the lifts that you see folk performing at your gym.

For instance, today a pair in my gymnasium took it upon themselves to do a selection of exercises working their body from head to toes, or that is what they thought.

Their workout began with some dumbbell shoulder shrugs. That exercise targets the trapezius muscles that, if massive enough, might make you look like you haven't got any neck.

On the surface of things that would appear to be a handy exercise to do, but if you dig a little deeper you will find that exercise does little in the way of helping you burn even the most minute of calories.

Let us look at it mathematically. The amount of work done is the same as the force times the distance you're moving that force and the amount of times you are moving that force. As an example, if you were to use 30-pound dumbbells you could move that weight a total of three inches maximum. The trapezius muscles aren't that large so do not have the range that the larger muscle groups do.

So that 30-pound weight moved three inches, 10 times, gives us a number of 9 hundred. The unit of measure at about that point is unimportant.

Now lets take a look at an alternative exercise, the army press. This exercise is done with an Olympic bar pressing it from about your jaw all of the way above your head till your arms about completely extended.

For this exercise we only employed the weight of the bar which is 45-pounds. If you make the motion as if you were performing the exercise you could notice the distance that bar is going to travel is around 24 inches or more depending on your size, and it was done for an overall total of 10 repetitions. So 45-pounds, times 24-inches, times ten repetitions gives us a bunch of 10,800- again the unit of measure is irrelevant. It only becomes important if we were to calculate that number into calories burned.

On the surface, doing the military press was 12 times better than doing a dumbbell shrug, and that was with only the 45-pound bar.

This is just one example of a way to see if you are getting the most out of your exercise session. Many individuals are insensible to some of the exercises that they decide to do and just do anything that comes to mind. You only have so much energy when you hit the gymnasium floor, make it count and put it towards exercises which will give you the bang for you buck.

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Fitness And Healthy Diet Information - What You Need To Know To Stay In Shape

By Johanivo Gustavy

As a general rule, most individuals prefer to be healthy and fit. We work really hard to watch our calorie intakes. We work really hard to burn fat and build muscle.

When you work out, you can eat more food. The truth is that even at rest, muscle burns more calories than fat. So it stands to reason, then, that the more muscle mass you have, the easier it will be for you to burn off fat (or keep it from forming). If you are active and exercising, you will burn even more calories. So you can eat a little chocolate or a few snacks here and there and it won't set you back in regard to your diet. This means you can snack every now and then and it is okay, but it is not recommended to binge on snack foods that are unhealthy as this will inevitably harm your fitness goals.

Try to stay away from low-carb diets which are unhealthy. The fact is that some carbohydrates are good for you.

Working out is stressful for some - is this true for you? Would it surprise you to know that the process of working out can really cut down on the amount of stress you feel? This is true. Exercising can reduce stress. The reason that it is able to do this is because exercise actually causes your body to relax, not tense up. You will notice a definite positive change in your disposition. This occurs because endorphins are released into your circulatory system and subsequently cause you to be happier. The more endorphins you have flowing through your body the happier you are going to be. The happier you feel, the less stress you will feel. Exercising regularly also builds your strength which makes every day tasks a lot easier and when your daily tasks get easier your stress levels are reduced. It's a win-win!

One easy way to make sure that you stay on your fitness program is to eat smaller meals each day multiple times. Eating only when you feel hungry is just as bad as limiting yourself to just three meals per day. It is better to eat five small meals spaced out evenly throughout your day is much healthier than these other options. Your body will feel constantly full and as a byproduct you will not want to snack as often. Eating this way will prevent you from feeling hungry throughout the day.

Although there are many fitness products that can help you achieve your goals, you may not know which ones can help you because of the hype that all of them use. The purpose of this article was to help you learn how to identify fitness and diet solutions that will work opposed to those that don't - good luck on your endeavors!

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Sources of Vitamin D: From Sunlight to Diet

By Karl Golpen

It is likely that you do not receive enough Vitamin D from sunlight if you live above the line that connects San Francisco to Philadelphia, and Athens to Beijing. Also, people who have darker skin, as well as overweight and obese individuals, tend to have lower amounts of Vitamin D. It is crucial that all individuals go out in the sun for at least 15 minutes each day.

Shockingly, some surveys suggest that half of the world's people have inadequate levels of Vitamin D. These statistics are concerning, because Vitamin D has been determined to play a larger role in fighting diseases than was previously thought. In fact, diseases such as multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, some cancers, and infectious diseases such as the seasonal flu and tuberculosis have shown up more in individuals who have low levels of Vitamin D.

How much Vitamin D is actually recommended varies depending on which expert you ask. Those who are most at risk should take 2,000 UI or more daily. A realistic estimate is 800 to 1,000 UI for adults in general, though a report by the Institute of Medicine has listed 800 UI of Vitamin D daily for individuals over 70 years old, and 600 UI for people between 1 and 70.

There is such a thing as toxic amounts of Vitamin D. Individuals who are 9 years old and up can consume up to 4,000 UI from a supplement. The dosages that are considered appropriate for children are the following:

*0-6 months: 1,000 UI

*Ages 6-12 months: 1,500 UI

*Ages 1-3: 2,500 UI

*Ages 4-8: no more than 3,000 UI

There has been a survey done that indicates a connection between increased falls and fractures in older women, and extremely high dosages of Vitamin D. The participants who were involved took Vitamin D orally in the amount of 50,000 UI once daily on a single day yearly. This is why it is important to check your dosages from any supplements you consume.

Ways to Obtain Vitamin D

While our bodies convert cholesterol to Vitamin D, we also can take it in through the foods that we eat. We must be careful, as very few foods actually contain the vitamin naturally. Choose those foods that are Vitamin D fortified, if possible.

Our body requires sunlight to start the process of converting cholesterol to Vitamin D. We must absorb the sunlight into our skin for this to work. Using sunscreen reduces our ability to absorb the sunlight by up to 90 percent. The sun's rays are not adequate in higher latitudes during the Winter and Fall to provide us with much Vitamin D at all.

The tanning beds in a commercial tanning salon can be a very viable alternative to sunlight. Don't be put off by what you might hear about the dangers from tanning beds. They are there only of you try to get as dark as possible and happen to burn your skin. For vitamin D, you never have to stay in a tanning bed longer than half the time it would take to get a burn.

Choosing Appropriate Foods for Vitamin D

Only relatively few types of foods have Vitamin D in them naturally, and others are fortified. Consider which of them to include in your daily diet. You may want to take a supplement if you are particular low in this vitamin.


Whole milk has a fairly high amount of Vitamin D, and many brands are fortified. The amount is relatively higher compared to that of skim milk and other types of milk, at one-fifth of the daily recommended dose. Eggs, especially those that are free-range, and ricotta cheese also are great sources of Vitamin D.

Meats & Fish

Salmon and tuna are especially high in Vitamin D, with half a fillet of sockeye salmon containing about twice the recommended daily dose, and a serving of tuna containing one-third. Sole, flounder, and sardines also contain some. A 3 ounce serving of beef liver has one-fourteenth of the recommended daily dose. A 3 ounce portion of pork has about one-seventh.

Other Food Sources

Mushrooms, especially the shiitake variety, are a great source of Vitamin D. Several types of cereals have been fortified with this vitamin. Choose raisin bran over corn flakes and various other types, as it has such a high dosage of Vitamin D.

It is important that you keep track of how much vitamins and minerals you consume, especially Vitamin D. Determine which foods and supplements are right for your lifestyle and needs. You are sure to benefit from managing both your time outdoors and your diet.

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Why Appoint A Personal Trainer In Orange County?

By Michael Petry

Orange County's warm Mediterranean climate draws in countless tourists around the world every year. This particular area in California has a sprawling 42 miles of beaches and it's no surprise why it's undoubtedly one of the best summer destinations around the world. Now that summer is drawing near, lots of people in Orange County are too worried about their body since they would like to look as sexy and beautiful while playing on the beach. If you're among these men and women, it's best that you hire a personal trainer in Orange County to help you easily achieve a bikini worthy body. Below are more reasons why it is best to get a trainer instead of working out on your own.

Assist You In Using The Equipment

Whether you are working out at home or at the gym, it is a good idea to ask help from a personal trainer in Orange County in order to be guided with the proper way of using the equipment. As you know, if you do not know how to properly use the equipment, this could cause harm or injury to your body. The trainer will also give you advice on how many sets you need to do for each exercise routine and which type of exercises you need to do.

Design A Proper Fitness Plan Suitable For You

The main purpose of hiring a fitness trainer is for you to have a fitness plan that you can follow in order to successfully achieve your fitness goals. Your personal trainer in Orange County can come up with a well-planned fitness plan in order for your fitness routines to be effective. Furthermore, your trainer will study your present routine and your lifestyle too and will come up with a workout plan that is suitable to you. They will also consider other factors such as your nutritional intake, your diet as well as your workout schedules too.

Your Trainer Will Help To Keep You Going

An excellent personal trainer in Orange County is someone who does more than just coaching you and directing you. He has to also function as your motivator and someone who will always be with you from the very beginning of the training until such time that you attain your fitness goals. There are times when you want to quit somewhere in between your fitness routines because either you feel bored or you just find it too hard to go on. In this instance, your trainer will be there to give you advice and keep you motivated in order to keep you going. Basically, an excellent trainer is somebody who serves as your friend too.

These are just some of the benefits that you can get in employing a fitness instructor to help you with your workout routine. There are actually a lot more that you can benefit if you decide to invest in a personal trainer in Orange County. You might spend a bit more if you employ one but doing this is certainly worth the cost.

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How to Eat a Low Carb Diet Without Going Hungry

By Wilson Resturbee

The total elimination of carbohydrates from the diet is what a lot of people advocate. There are dozens of diets, including South Beach, Atkins, and others, that believe the reason you cannot lose weight is because of eating carbohydrates. This might be true, but, probably not. You need to eliminate the bad carbohydrates, but keep eating the good carbohydrates. Those that are good are okay to eat in moderate amounts, and the bad you should stay away from completely. Losing weight takes a good diet plan, and nutritionists and doctors can put one together for you. For the time being, these few tips on dieting will at least get you on the right course.

No matter what diet you try, if you do one that is based on eating no carbohydrates, lots of meat will be your main course for your meals. On these diets you are encouraged to eat so much meat because meat has the necessary nutrients to stay healthy, but carbs have the same nutrients. Of all the problems caused by having too much meat in your diet, the worst are raising your cholesterol, as well as increasing the possibility of heart disease. As with any health plan, you should eat pork, seafood, chicken, and beef in only moderate amounts. Overindulging can wreak havoc on your system. Is cheese something you can't live without? Is giving it up, something that concerns you? Cheese can still be eaten when you choose to go on a low carbohydrate diet, so that should be good news. Truthfully, there are hardly any carbohydrates contained in most cheeses. It is important, however, to double-check if the type of cheese you like the most is truly low in carb or carb free before you start chowing down. The processed cheeses that are popular in the US, for example, usually contain high amounts of fat and oil so make sure that you're not simply giving up the carbs for a more unhealthy alternative.

Many people are passionate about pasta -are you one of them? Many people would place it near the top of their favorite foods list. Maybe you read somewhere that anyone on a low carb diet has to say goodbye to pasta forever. Fortunately, this isn't the case. There are a lot of gluten free pastas out there now that you can use.

These are automatically lower in carbs and are better for your digestive system too. You can even find spinach and other vegetable based pastas. This will help you stay healthy, keep your carbs low and still allow you to indulge in one of your favorite foods.

Hopefully this article has shown you that a low carb diet isn't so restrictive after all. You mainly have to focus on eating healthier type carbs. Just like with fats, there are good and bad carbs, so you should educate yourself on this difference as much as possible. So don't try to go on a "no carb" diet, as this isn't healthy. If you need help keeping track of what you should and should not be eating, you should work with your doctor and a qualified nutritionist.

They can help you figure out a healthy diet plan that is also low in carbs.

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