How Gastric Bypass Surgery Helps In Weight Loss

By Lisa Green

Bariatric surgery is any surgical operation that is conducted with the aim of reducing body weight. The main types that are performed commonly in New York include gastric bypass surgery, gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy. Although a few differences exist among these surgeries, they are fundamentally the same in the manner in which they achieve their desired effect. In this article we explore the procedure involved in the bypass operation as well as the associated risks and benefits.

As is the case with many other surgeries, the decision to undergo the procedure is made collectively by the surgeon and the client. The advice of experts is that bariatric surgeries should be considered only after all the conservative options have been tried out. Such may include, for example, making dietary changes and engaging in physical exercise regularly for at least six months. The only exception is when a lot of fat has to be lost in a short span of time.

Candidates that are most likely to benefit from the surgery are those with a body mass index of 40 or more. If one is suffering from a condition that is aggravated by excess weight then a lower value may be accepted. Examples include sleep apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes among others. In these cases, surgery will help not only relieve the symptoms but will also help slow the progression.

The preparation needed for this surgery is similar to what would be required for any major operation. You need to have a number of tests that will help establish whether or not you are fit enough. Some of the tests that will be performed include a full blood count and renal function tests. You may also be asked to stop taking some drugs that are likely to impact negatively on the procedure such as aspirin and blood thinners.

The surgeon can choose one of two techniques to do this operation. The first type is known as Roux-en-Y. In the technique, a small incision is first made on the abdominal wall so as to access the stomach. A portion of the stomach is stapled or compressed with a band to reduce its size. A Y-shaped intestinal section is then attached onto the stomach so that a part of the original route is bypassed (hence the name).

One of the reasons as to why weight loss occurs following the Roux-en-Y procedure is the small stomach size. Faster filling means that you will eat less than before. Consequently less food is available for conversion to fat for storage as most of it is used for the provision of energy. The other major contributor to weight loss is the reduced surface area that is necessary for absorption of nutrients.

The second alternative is what is termed extensive gastric bypass. This is a more radical approach that is mainly used in the event of biliary obstruction resulting from liver disease. It is for this reason that the procedure is sometimes called biliopancreatic diversion. The surgery itself involves the removal of the lower stomach portion and joining the upper portion to the lower part of the small intestines.

Reduction in the absorption of essential nutrients is a common complication. This is mostly seen when extensive bypass is performed. Another possible complication both in the short term and long term is a condition popularly referred to as dumping syndrome. The features of dumping syndrome include sweating, weakness, vomiting and nausea. These symptoms are usually experienced a few minutes after eating due to rapid food movement.

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Top Secrets On How To Find Customized Weight Loss Program

By Eric Miller

Many people struggle with excess body weight. This affects their daily lives and in some cases, personal esteem. To counter this problem, you can enroll for a customized weight loss program that focuses on your specific needs. Such programs are designed to suit individuals and thus prescribed plans may vary from one person to another.

Finding the perfect program requires that you identify your needs. For example, make sure to determine your current weight measurements and the desired results at the end of the plan. Using the information, you could easily calculate the number of calories you need to cut each day. Otherwise, it is possible to lose track of your exercises and make it hard to achieve the desired results.

Always focus on cutting the calories naturally, or through a healthy plan. This is because some plans encourage their participants to starve to attain a leaner body. Eventually, such programs can actually leave the participants weak or malnourished. You cannot risk your health in the name of losing some body fat.

Do your research and find out what others are saying about a slimming plan before you enroll. Find out the risks involved and ways to avoid them. Get first-hand experiences from participants and ask how they managed to over challenges during the program. Enquire about the exciting moments as well to keep your spirits high and expectant of the fun involved. If possible, make friends with people undergoing the same slimming program for motivation and encouragement. Also, find out whether the firm provides support to individuals undertaking the program.

Discuss their charges. Do not assume that because you are investing in your health you have to get an extravagant plan. It is possible to get good slimming programs that charge a reasonable rate. You may consider comparing several providers before choosing one. Be keen not to lose money to unscrupulous traders who

Fortunately, some companies give free tools that help customer shed off excess body fat with fun. Equipped with mobile applications, recipes and tailor-made meal plans, individuals can easily work through their slimming programs. They get the opportunity to try new foods and exercises they probably knew little about.

You will need to change your thinking and embrace a new lifestyle. Be conscious of what you eat and always exercise to remain fit. Love yourself and be contented with yourself image. This boosts your morale and how you interact with other people. By so doing, it will be ease to maintain a desirable body weight always.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can guarantee a fulfilled and happier life. Any effective slimming plan should attain this. In addition, you will be able to tackle things you could not when you had an obese body. This is in addition to curbing some serious ailments.

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