Health Facts About Deer Antler Velvet Supplements

By Patrick Smith

Antlers are skull extensions that grow in species belonging to the deer family. They are not true bones, because they can regrow back after breaking. Whilst still growing, the antlers of an elk, moose, deer or caribou contain velvet which is harvested to produce Deer Antler Velvet Supplements. Harvesting must be done while the animal is growing, because by then, the velvet is still liquefied, and cannot pose any harm to it.

The extract is believed to be rich in substances and chemicals essential for an apt cellular development. Some of the chemical it contains include; amino acids, zinc, calcium, magnesium and Prostaglandins. The latter are protein based compounds responsible for the proper functioning of the hormonal makeup, nervous functioning, regulation of inflammation and blood flow. Prostaglandins are very critical, because, their deficiency makes the musculoskeletal system to weaken.

During the years leading to the twenty first century, some Soviet scientists decided to undertake a scientific research with an aim of determining the effect that the velvet supplements had on athletes who consumed them. Their findings left many eyebrows raised and jaws dropped, because the professional athletes whimed into bodies of infinite stamina and power. That enabled them break records during the Olympic games against other athletes representing rival nations.

There have been loads of advertisements and promotional claims that imply the beneficial aspects of the supplements. Till today, there is barely any scientific backing to authenticate that, truly, after supplementation, an individual benefit nutritionally. The AGF hormone in the velvet influences rapid antler growth. Its effect of users, however, varies quite widely, because a proportion of users realize an enhanced muscular and joint strength, while in some, there is usually no conspicuous changes.

Insulin-like Growth Activity is a hormone that is similar to insulin molecularly, and is very significant in cell growth in young children, though it still has an effect on the anabolic aspect in adults. The hormone is produced in the liver, after the stimulation of the Human Growth Hormone, and is fundamental for the health development of the skeletal system, because it stimulates exponential or rapid cellular growth and development.

There have been a lot of misinformed claims and inquisitions concerning whether there are any signs and symptoms in people who lack the chemicals provided by the antler velvet. Candidly, the products contain no known nutritional vitality, and therefore, are not so much essential in your daily menu. Furthermore, there have barely been signs and symptoms to signal deficiencies, though grownups can benefit from its consumption.

Similarly, there is a cloud of confusion hovering, pertaining the side effects of supplementation. It is untrue that the products cause any negative impacts on users. Besides, there is no science behind the notion, to undoubtedly prove that the velvet has bad effects to users.

Velvet harvesting is a very painful process, and sends the animal in an agonizing experience. A, entanglement of nerves and blood tubes run through the antlers. Hence improper extraction causes incessant bleeding that hurts the animal. For that reason, most governments are becoming more concerned about the matter. Actually, some have even gone to the extent of banning the harvest, in order to mitigate the reduction on animal population.

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