Make Fat History On The Paleo Diet

By Andrew Simpson

Ten thousand years ago, our neolithic ancestors could not reach into a pantry every time they got the urge to nibble on potato chips or cheese crackers. As such, their diet was all-natural in the truest possible fashion, with no high fructose corn syrup or artificial ingredients to clog up a digestive system. Anyone looking to lose weight can utilize the paleo diet in order to reach their fitness goals.

The Paleo Diet is the solution to a huge number of different weight issues. If you simply want to eliminate love handles or if you want to totally change your eating habits, going for all-natural ingredients is the best way to ensure that you do not put on more pounds.

Why does the Paleo Diet work? All-natural food in today's world is becoming more and more of a rarity. This is because factory farming makes it easier and easier to put food on the table, even if that food has only a fraction of the nutrition that natural ingredients do. The Paleo Diet combats the advance of artificial food that creates artificial health problems.

If you have been eating processed foods all of your life and want a solution to the fat growing about your stomach and waist, you need only do what our ancestors did and find foods that occur naturally in the world. Making a commitment to the Paleo Diet is a sure-fire way to eliminate fat stored up from a lifetime of unhealthy choices.

What is the Paleo Diet? As the name suggests, it is the food choices that would have been available in the Stone Age, a time when your next meal came from scouring the forest floor in the hopes of finding mushrooms, roots, eggs, or an animal scampering about. No matter what your favorite foods are, odds are good the Paleo Diet allows you to eat them.

Do you love a T-bone steak seared to perfection? Since our ancestors could hunt and eat wild cattle, you can enjoy one as well. Do you like to nibble on trail mix? Dried fruits and nuts were just as available back then as they are now. Even some anachronisms like ice cream can be made on the Paleo diet, provided you use ingredients (like natural cocoa and vanilla beans) that would have been available in the time of wooly mammoths.

The proof, as such, is in the pudding -- or rather, in the lack of pudding. By choosing food that was available to our forefathers back when we only had stone spears as a means of collecting our next meal, we create meal choices that are sure to give us the protein and vitamins that enrich our system rather than the calories and carbohydrates that clog it up.

This is the great advantage of the Paleo Diet. Ten thousand years ago, someone who caught a fish or nabbed some eggs or brought back a cauliflower plant to the tribe would have eaten it and enjoyed every bit of nutrition. Today, we eat potato chips that contain no nutrition at all.

Choosing the Paleo Diet is not about restricting yourself. In fact, it is just the opposite. Nearly every meal you have ever had can be incorporated into the Paleo Diet so long as it is made with natural ingredients. If you love lobster bisque, you need only ensure that the ingredients are as natural as the lobster and the vegetables -- our ancestors did not have a food processor, but that is not a problem.

The best part of the Paleo Diet is that it does not compromise on nutrition. If you want to bulk up and get a set of killer abs, you can get all the protein you need. If you want to fight flu season, you can get more than enough Vitamin C.

Trimming your fat by using the Paleo Diet requires no counting of calories. All you need to do is eliminate the foods that lead to fat-buildup and you are sure to watch a lifetime's worth of soda and pizza fade away. Best of all, you feel better as you look better due to the quality of nutrition.

The Paleo Diet can be for everyone, even vegetarians and vegans, since it offers choices that appeal to all tastes and preferences. If you have been frustrated by diets before, do not change how much you eat, change how much good food you eat.

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Can HIIT With Weights Produce Maximum Muscle In Less Time?

By Howe Russ

Naturally, if you walked up to anybody at your local gym and asked them if they would like to learn how to get a six pack in 3 minutes they would probably jump at the chance. Of course, everybody believes such things to be nonsense. However, if you're looking into how to build muscle you are about to discover why HIIT can produce very good results in less than half the time of regular resistance training.

Thanks to the discovery of HIIT, the days where people used to spend over 2 hours per day in the gym should be long gone. However, many are still stuck in that mentality. If that's you, then you are about to open a door to a whole new world of training. []

The levels of variety and intensity are the two most important factors within any solid training program. Variety simply means challenging the body in ways it's not used to. You could simply swap low reps for high reps, or perform exercises in a different order than usual.

Most gym users hit a plateau due to a lack of variety within their program. This comes from doing a program that works initially and provides good results, causing the gym user to want to stick to it, only to find that results begin to slow down over time. It doesn't mean you are no longer working hard in the gym, it simply means your body has adapted to your program, it knows what to expect.

You don't need to completely overhaul a program which may have worked well for you in the past. Simply throw in a few curve balls, try to keep every workout slightly different. Keep the body guessing and you'll keep it improving.

Intensity levels are often misunderstood. No, increasing your intensity in the gym does not simply mean blasting through exercises at maximum speed. You should never sacrifice good lifting technique for anything, no matter whether it's more weight or more speed. Intensity means keeping your rest periods to a minimum, that's all.

The shock factor of hitting the body with new, unfamiliar exercises and also keeping rest times down is enough to spur new growth in even the hardest of gainers.

To put this into context with a routine designed to focus on your abdominal area, try this simple but brutal workout today: []

* Crunch

* Mountain Climber

* Plank

This session should be performed as a circuit. Each exercise gets 30 seconds and there is no rest allowed until the end of the circuit, at which point you can take 1 minute before restarting. Due to the fact that most gym users do not train with resistance machines at a high intensity level, this simple session really pushes the fitness levels despite looking easy on paper.

It is true that the simple session above can effectively help you to learn how to get a six pack in 3 minutes or slightly longer. The important thing to remember after you have tried it, of course, is that you can also apply this method to training any body part you wish. Incorporate it into your next chest workout and watch how much more difficult it becomes. The key to learning how to build muscle on a regular basis lies in your ability to adapt and configure your training to suit your goals.

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A Personal Trainer In Del Mar Is Against These Tools

By Patricia Neill

In Del Mar, California, and in other parts of the state, a lot of people would desperately want to lose weight and would be willing to do everything possible just to achieve the kind of body that they want. In fact, many of the rich and the famous will spend thousands of dollars just to purchase the trendiest exercise equipment in an effort to achieve their fitness goals in the easiest and fastest way possible. But according to a good personal trainer in Del Mar, there are actually certain exercise props that are just a big waste of cash and here are a few of them.

Toning Shoes

You probably have heard a lot about those sweat suits that are being advertised on TV and in the Internet too. A sweat suit is a suit that looks like a garbage bag that promises to help you sweat out a lot in order to shed off those pounds.

Sweat Suits

You probably have heard a lot about those sweat suits that are being advertised on TV and in the Internet too. A sweat suit is a suit that looks like a garbage bag that promises to help you sweat out a lot in order to shed off those pounds.

Experts say that although it's true that this suit can indeed help you to shed off some pounds, what you're actually shedding off is water weight. These are the same weight that boxers and wrestlers would need to shed off just to achieve an ideal weight for their upcoming match. The personal trainer in Del Mar said that once you rehydrate, the "water weight" that was lost from you could be back once again. So basically, the suit cannot help you at all and what's even worse is that this exercise prop can possibly trigger heat stroke.

Diet Pills

We all heard this before - diet pills will just harm your body. The personal trainer in Del Mar would like to reiterate that these pills will certainly not do you any good. Although you might be overwhelmed at the incredible amount of weight that you could lose when you use it, keep in mind that most of them aren't approved by the FDA. This might have a bad implication on your health which might just make you spend more money over time. So ditch all those pills and instead, motivate yourself to work hard in the gym and adhere to a strict diet.

Sad as it may seem, there are absolutely no shortcuts to losing weight. According to the personal trainer in Del Mar, the only way is to do it the right way, which is by means of regular workout and proper diet and not by using any kind of exercise paraphernalia.

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Useful Ideas For Getting Ripped Abs Like Professional Body Builders

By Daniel Lewis

Getting ripped abs does not happen overnight. You cannot go to a store and buy a magic potion and wake up the next day with a flat, rock hard, stomach. However, there are some things you can do to make your workout more efficient. Here are some tips to help you on your journey to a great looking stomach. They are not complicated and anyone can take advantage of them.

When you wish to know how to get ripped abs you need to think whole body instead of stomach. You are doing a great deal of harm if the only exercises you perform are meant for the abdominal muscles. When working the stomach, you also need to work the back and all muscles that affect this region. Start out with a plan that includes every muscle group plus cardio, and you will have a great blueprint for fitness success.

You might believe that one cardio workout is as good as another and this can be misleading. Ride a bicycle or walk for an hour three days a week, and you are getting a good cardio workout. Yet, you are also contributing to the production of free radical molecules that literally attacks cell tissue. This can place a lot of wear on joints and make you old before your time.

If you want an efficient cardio workout consider variable training methods. The stop and go action burns a lot of fat and this is good for defining your muscles. Lift weights or play football or tennis. Handball is an excellent way to burn up body fat.

Many people want to know how they can isolate the abdominal group for better tone. The truth is, if you want ripped abs there is no need to concentrate on the stomach. Treat the body as a unit of many muscles and you will have greater success. When you tone the body, the stomach will be part of it.

One of the best exercises you can incorporate into your program is squats. For the best results, use plain old free weights. This includes kettle bells also. Machines for squats do not give you the same workout. Try your squats with the barbell in front of your head, as opposed to behind it. This is a good way to work your stomach. Do not get in a hurry to raise the weight and make sure that you are comfortable with added weight.

You need to eat some fast digesting carbohydrates after your workout. This is necessary to restore all of the things that your muscles lose. Try something like bananas or a tasty low fat yogurt. Ricotta cheese is great for your post workout meal and you might add honey or raisins.

If you wish to learn how to get ripped abs, include crunches and specially designed exercises into your plan. However, it is also important to work out the whole body. Choose a program that includes exercise, nutrition, and examples of everything you need to know. This gives you the best chances of getting an attractive body with great looking stomach muscles.

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Recommendations On Weight Loss From A Personal Trainer In West Hollywood

By Brandon Watkins

Weight loss has been a subject for many people, especially those looking to get into the exercise program for a healthier life. There have been many trials that people have gone under to do it successfully. Here are some tips that a personal trainer in West Hollywood will give to help you slim down, successfully and safely.

1. Never Starve Yourself.

It's a too common misconception that, in order to slim down and be healthy, you have to stop eating. Any proper fitness coach will tell you that this is very wrong. Not only will it make you malnourished, but it also makes your body weak, as there will be a lack of nutrients. Healthy weight loss consists of eating the right kinds of food and in the right amount.

2. Exercise While You Are At It.

If you really want to lose weight and be healthy, the key is to make it a part of your life. A personal trainer in West Hollywood will tell you that it takes more than just going to the gym every week or so and adding a few healthier meals to your menu. You need to make it so integral to your life that it becomes a part of it. If you keep your life actions revolving around a healthy mainframe, you will find yourself naturally becoming healthier and fitter.

3. Avoid Commercial Diets.

That is, avoid all diets that say that you can lose weight by taking pills or some such thing, without requiring you to do anything else. These are fads that can, in the long run, be dangerous for your health.

4. Make It Your Lifestyle.

Burning the calories off of your body is the main way that people use to lose weight. Your personal trainer in West Hollywood will help you find the best routine that does not put your body in danger and lets it naturally lose weight.

5. Live A Little And Have Fun.

Your personal goals are what set you off to becoming healthy in the first place. You need to be able to know what you want from your body exactly, so that you and your fitness coach can make the right demands from it.

6. Set Yourself Reachable Goals.

While becoming physically fit requires hard work, you still need to make sure that you actually like what you are doing. A personal trainer in West Hollywood knows that there is little point in making you do an exercise that you do not like. Experiment and find out with your coach the sort of things you like to do, and keep things varied so that you will stay interested for longer.

7. Change The Scene.

Though exercising at the gym is more convenient for you because of all the equipment, there'll be times where you will get bored with looking at the same scenery again and again. Because of this fact, a personal trainer in West Hollywood will encourage you to try exercising someplace else, particularly outside. Not only does it give you fresh air, but the open space and varied environment will help give your body a good challenge.

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