AREDS II Eye Study Addresses Beta-Carotene Problems

By Teri Farley

AREDS II is the second of two age-related eye disease studies designed to look at the effect of nutrients on eyesight. During the first study, which was completed in 2001, researchers found that antioxidants in high levels reduced the chance of blindness. Unfortunately, the formulation studied had some problems. The second study was designed to address these problems.

Eye diseases are some of the most debilitating. Almost a million people in the United States are blind and around 90% of these are elderly. There are several different reasons someone might end up with an eye disease. Some people are born blind due to defects during the gestation period. Others are caused by diabetes or eye injury. However, most appear to be associated with aging, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

There are some treatments available today, but most of them work only for a certain segment of affected people. Many people have used laser surgery and it has been found to be very effective. However, it is expensive and has side effects that could actually worsen sight. Side effects from laser surgery are not uncommon, although they are rarely severe. Still, they can cause you to lose your peripheral vision, can worsen your visual acuity, can reduce your night vision, or can even cause hemorrhaging.

AREDS, the initial Age-Related Eye Disease Study was finished and released in 2001. This study was begun to review risk factors and history associated with cataracts and AMD. Another purpose was to analyze whether higher doses of antioxidants might affect AMD or cataracts. They looked at a combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and beta-carotene.

Researchers from the first study found that their formula could lessen the chance of blindness by 25%, in people who were considered to be in a high risk category. This category included people who had serious AMD in one eye already, or who had a milder form in both eyes. This only helped people with AMD risk and had no effect on whether someone would get cataracts. This was exciting news, however, later studies showed that the beta-carotene was linked to a cancer risk. People who smoked, and also took beta-carotene, had a higher incident of lung cancer.

The second study, completed in May 2013, had several interesting findings. One of their goals was to attempt to find a substitute for beta-carotene in the original formula. They found that the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin could be substituted for beta-carotene without reducing the effectiveness of this formula. People at high risk for developing advanced AMD should consider taking the antioxidant combination to reduce their chance of blindness.

One caution is that many elderly people are already on prescriptions. They often use over-the-counter medications or even dietary supplements. The high-dose nutrients in the formula could interfere, or lessen effectiveness, and affect the absorption rate of other drugs.

There are definitely beneficial effects of laser surgery although this is expensive and can have complications. A safer alternative may be the formulation developed in the AREDS II study. The study confirmed that high levels of zinc and antioxidants reduced the risk of AMD. The study further showed that lutein and zeaxanthin could be substituted for beta-carotene with no reduction in benefits. Of course, before using any medication you should always consult your doctor.

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