Hospitals Advice On How To Avoid Strokes

By Gloria Gardner

Nothing can be more traumatic to a parent than to receive a call while at work and be told that their child has suffered a burn. Yet Lee's Summit hospitals make thousands of such calls every year. There are several things that parents can do to ensure that their children are safe from burns, and that they can work in peace.

They are the fourth leading cause of death in the America, and the leading cause of adult disability. Strokes occur when blood circulation, and therefore oxygen supply to the brain cells is blocked. Anemia caress occurs when a clot forms or moves from another part of the body, blocking blood flow from neck or brain.

The kitchen is, by its function, a candidate for glows. Always instruct children to keep a safe distance from the stove, or keep them away from the kitchen if possible. Always keep cooking pots covered, and ensure pan handles face away from a passageway. Above all, never leave an unsupervised child in the kitchen.

These indicate that blood flow from brain is failing. They include a sudden weakness of the face or limbs, particularly if this happens on one side only, sudden severe headaches that start for no reason and so on. When these occur, calling emergency services or finding the nearest clinic are the best actions to take.

Another source of flames is chemicals. These include undiluted bleach, battery acid and chemicals used for cleaning. These should be locked up or kept out of children's reach. In their curiosity, children have even had mouth and esophageal burns as they tried to drink these chemicals.

The chances of a heart attack increase with every additional cigarette that one smokes. These also increase the longer one burns. The increase is even higher for women who use tobacco and take birth control pills, along with the risk that they will get strokes and peripheral vascular disease. A reduction in smoking would greatly reduce the number of those coming to Lee's Summit hospitalsLee's Summit Hospitals for emergency treatment.

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