Preventing Heart Disease Via Weight Loss Los Altos CA Doctors Are Suggesting

By George Fisher

You have so many different organs, and one of the most important is the heart. More often than not, a problem that's related to it is regarded as something so serious. In fact, all over the planet cardiovascular disease is the leading reason behind most cases of death. Worry not because you can actually keep it at bay, and such can be done through weight loss Los Altos CA experts are highly recommending.

So many different things can cause cardiovascular disease to come into being sooner or later. They are referred to as risk factors, or matters that can considerably raise one's chance of developing illnesses or diseases. There are risk factors for heart-related problems that are unavoidable as well as avoidable.

One risk factor that cannot be sidestepped is age. The older people get, the likelier they are to have issues related to the cardiovascular system. Sex is another example. Experts confirm that both heart attack and stroke are more common in a man than a woman. One more unavoidable risk factor is having a family history of such. Similar to a wide variety of diseases, the kind that affects the heart tends to run in families.

The good news is there are also risk factors that can be evaded. A few examples of those are unhealthy eating habits, cigarette smoking, too much consumption of alcohol and leading a very stressful everyday life. According to doctors, obesity is a cardiovascular disease risk factor that can be avoided completely.

You are likely to have high blood pressure if you weigh more than you should. Such is something that can endanger not only your heart and arteries, but also many other organs like the eyes and kidneys. If you're diagnosed with hypertension and you fail to put it under control, you may end up with a stroke or heart attack.

Being heavier than necessary is also associated by doctors with high cholesterol levels. The presence of excess cholesterol in the blood can cause the walls of the arteries to harden. The arteries themselves may end up narrowed, too. Arterial narrowing can encourage a blood clot to form, which can cause a heart attack if it keeps the heart muscles from obtaining oxygenated blood. If the said blood clot prevents the brain tissue from getting oxygenated blood, a stroke can take place.

The elimination of unwanted body pounds, needless to say, can be very advantageous. Such is particularly true for individuals who are in danger of battling cardiovascular disease in the future due to having an assortment of risk factors for it. Exercising regularly and eating healthily are essential for weight loss. In order to fend off unnecessary drawbacks, seeking the help of a doctor is highly encouraged.

Shedding off excess pounds also enables you to dodge a lot of other health concerns, many of which can be very serious. One example is diabetes, a disease with no available cure and associated with numerous complications. Doctors confirm that there are various types of cancer that you may be able to avoid by dropping unwanted weight.

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