It Is Possible To Reverse Insulin Resistance Naturally

By Nancy Gardner

In recent times the media has been full of reports regards the epidermic of insulin resistant diabetes. TV, radio, print and internet news sources have inundated us with shocking statistics as to how this illness potentially threatens the functioning of medical institutions. There is cause for optimism, however, as natural treatments to reverse insulin resistance prove to be increasingly successful.

Diet and exercise treatments have been successful in both patients on the verge of being classified diabetic, and fully identified cases, to the extent that some patients were able to cease taking their medicines altogether. Perhaps it would be beneficial to provide some background regards the relevant chemical reactions before going any further.

All the cells within our bodies require energy in order to function properly. Sugars, in the form of glucose, that are extracted from carbohydrate foods in the digestive system provide this energy. The absorption of these sugars within our systems is assisted by the hormone insulin which is produced by the pancreas. Insulin also regulates the quantity of sugar remaining in the circulatory system that is available for future absorption. Sugar concentrations will therefore rise and fall between optimal levels as the cells extract it to support body functioning.

Diabetes occurs when blood sugars accumulate in the bloodstream. Put simply this means that cells run out of fuel while dangerously high levels of blood sugar course throughout the body with the potential to cause damage to tissues and organs. In type two diabetics this process is complicated further by being overweight and through lack of exercise.

Mostly the modifications recommended to rectify the situation are quite easy to follow. Doctors and Dietitians are increasingly able and willing to advise appropriate guidelines. A typical outline would involve cutting out starch rich and sugary foods. Processed food is therefore to be eliminated. So potato, cereals, rice, bread, white flour and of course refined sugar itself have to go.

Protein of a high standard like that available in shell fish, herrings, tuna, sardines and salmon are definitely recommended. These types of oily marine life are rich in omega 3 fats, often called good fats, work towards normalizing cholesterol levels within the body. Inflammation, another contributing factor in diabetes sufferers, is also reduced through eating oily fish.

Foods that have a low GI score help prevent sugar levels from peaking excessively. Vegetables including coconut, avocados, seeds and nuts are good for this. Organic meats, lean and in moderation, and eggs will also help. All the leafy green vegetables such as cabbages, kale, spinach are recommended but avoid root vegetables. Fruits that gently allow glucose levels to rise are preferable. These include the apple, banana, grape, plum and peach varieties.

The dietary tips proposed here are really just an outline. A quick internet search will provide many more guidelines as will a health care professional. Vitamin and mineral supplements in the correct dosage will also assist the dietary process. The important thing to remember is that with perseverance, it is usually possible to reverse and control this disease. Oh and remember the regular exercise. Regular means at least three times per week for at least thirty minutes but this is one case where more is better.

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