Important Aspects On Dizziness Treatment In Toronto

By Kenya England

Dizziness is a common feeling that many of us face from time to time. On most occasions there is nothing much to worry about. In a few cases, however, it may be an indicator of serious underlying conditions that require urgent medical attention. This should be suspected when there are other associated symptoms such as headache, loss of consciousness, hearing loss and visual blurring among others. There are some important things on dizziness treatment in Toronto when seeking the service.

Dizziness is different from vertigo. The latter is a feeling of spinning. The cause is damage to semicircular canals of the ear. The commonest form of vertigo is what is referred to as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, BPPV. Affected persons will typically get dizzy when they change positions such as from a lying to a sitting or standing position.

The other common cause of the problem is Meniere disease. In this condition, fluid builds up within the ear. Typically, it affects one ear. The main causes of dizziness that have been documented include tumors such as acoustic neuroma, migraines, sudden changes in blood pressure, low blood sugar, medications, heat stroke, motion sickness, strokes and brain hemorrhage among others.

Severity is assessed by keeping track of the episodes. You can achieve this by getting yourself a diary to record every the attacks. Apart from giving an insight about the frequency, such information will also be used to study related symptoms. After treatment has been initiated, response to therapy will be easy to monitor.

When you visit your doctor, they will embark on an exercise to establish the exact cause of your problem. A medical history will be required and this will be followed by a comprehensive physical. Issues that the doctor will want to know include the number of episodes that are experienced in a day or week, whether or not there is a relationship with body positioning and the presence or absence of related symptoms. Blood tests and radiological investigations such as the CT scan and MRI may help confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment modalities to be employed will depend on the cause. It should be noted, however, that in some cases, the cause is not found. Treatments that have been tried with variable success rates include lifestyle changes, home therapies and pharmacotherapy. When the cause is migraines, patients are advised to avoid trigger factors and to use reliever medications. Meniere disease, on the other hand, is managed by dietary modification and surgical intervention when this fails.

Athletes are at a high risk of suffering from heat stroke, dehydration and hypoglycemia. All these are established causes of dizziness. Such athletes need to be well prepared with water and a source of glucose whenever they go out to train or to compete. The same risk exists in persons that engage in strenuous physical activities particularly in areas with high ambient temperatures.

Dizziness is a common feeling. It is on most occasion harmless. However, when it is seen to persist for periods of time or when consistently associated with other medical conditions, medical consultation is indicated. The treatment of the condition continues to challenge many clinicians due to the vague nature of the symptom with many patients having different interpretations. Proper evaluation may help narrow down the possibilities.

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