Is There A Cure For Lyme Disease

By Enid Hinton

Millions of people enjoy spending time in wilderness areas that are wooded and have leafy ground cover. This terrain is a perfect breeding ground for ticks. Many ticks carry viral and microbial diseases that can be serious and cause tremendous discomfort for the host whether human or animal. Knowing the dangers of being bitten may cause campers and hunters to ask their doctors is there a cure for Lyme disease?

Early detection of this disease is paramount to having it cured completely. Knowing the symptoms will greatly increase the chances of getting a correct diagnosis at the earliest possible moment. The first noticeable sign is a rash at the site of a bite. This rash will spread and take on the appearance of a bulls eye with an area around the location of the bite being red and a space of clear skin surrounded by another strip of red. The rash generally is not painful or itchy but will be warm to the touch.

Most people will experience a series of common symptoms such as fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, headaches, fever and chills. The diagnosis becomes difficult because the symptoms come and go and many times a doctor is not consulted because they may not occur at the same time. As time passes more symptoms will surface if treatment is not received.

More rashes may occur on other parts of your body as time passes and you may experience Bell's Palsy, a condition that causes the facial muscles to dissipate and weaken. Inflammation in the spinal cord will cause severe neck and head pain and random sharp pain may disturb sleep. These symptoms will eventually stop whether you seek treatment or not. Unfortunately, those who do not get treatment can suffer other more serious symptoms.

Untreated cases experience severe arthritis pain and swelling in knees, hips and other large joints. Loss of short term memory and other neurological problems in over five percent of the people who receive no treatment for their tick bites. These chronic ailments may include numbness in hands and feet as well as sharp reoccurring pains in the head and body.

Several different anti biotic medications are prescribed for this problem. They are given for up to thirty days and the people who receive early diagnosis and treatment can be fairly certain of complete recovery. Medications can be given orally or through injection on an outpatient basis. Those who delayed treatment may need hospitalization and IV treatment.

Doctors are restricted as to how much anti biotic a patient is allowed to have. The health issues that are common with exceeding the limitations set by law are serious and can include death. There are several listings online that promise relief through making fresh fruit smoothies and adding fresh nutrients to the recipe. Raw fruit and vegetables is key to most of the nutritional solutions for this problem. The theme of them is to kill the virus naturally and flush the remnants from your body.

Early detection of the disease is the surest way to assure complete recovery of this ailment. The more information you have on the subject the sooner you will know when to seek help from a physician.

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