Fast Facts About Spinal Decompression

By Claudine Hodges

Anyone who has experienced recurring back pains could attest how hassle the condition is. Aside from it hampers you from moving conveniently, it can also trigger other health complications if not addressed immediately. Good news is, there are measures that you can take to remedy your back pains.

One great thing we can be happy about with our modern technology is the advancement that it has given to the field of medicine. Spinal problems which are untreatable before can now be remedied without going to surgery. Spinal decompression Shavano Park in Texas exists for this very purpose. The process is a medically recognized mode of treatment used by many people nowadays. Here are some facts you may want to check about the service.

First, the decompression can be done using the surgical or the non surgical method. Both are medically accepted along with their advantages and disadvantages. Surgical involves a lot of preparation both from the doctor and the patient. His regular diet may be adjusted weeks or months before the operation. Also, there are medical exams that needs to be passed to ensure that the patient is qualified and fit to undergo a major surgery. The non surgical one uses a machine that is run by a computer to ease the painful feeling.

The second one is the more prefered mode by some due to its convenience. Unlike a typical surgery that will require significant amount of bed rest to fully recover, the non surgical method is more like a gradual means to ease the pain. It may not remove the pain in an instant but it will help to make its impact lesser, and hopefully at the end of the treatment, the pain will be gone.

But while many has already availed the service, there is still an ongoing debate whether or not it is really safe. After all, it involves gentle stretching of the spine to change its position. This takes away the pressure that is causing the pain, away from the spinal disks. There are several issues tackled on debates such as the efficiency of the machine being used.

Due to this constant criticism, physicians make it a point to pair the method with more natural treatments like exercise, bracing and physical therapy. It is the attending doctor who suggests what kind of activity goes this week and what not. This is to ensure balance on the treatment.

During the treatment, the doctor will either ask you to like face down or face up on an electronic table controlled by computer. You will be strapped on it while the doctor navigates the system to suit your specific needs. The process typically lasts within 30 to 45 minutes depending on the condition and the duration of the treatment may last for seven weeks.

When all processes fail, the last resort suggested by physicians is surgery. Of course, the patient will have the option to go directly to surgery but as mentioned, he needs to pass several tests first. This process is also expensive which is among the reason why other resort to alternative means.

Do not take for granted the minor pains that you experience right now. It can be a signal to bigger complications later on. Begin by thinking about the activities you do everyday and check if they are putting strain on your spine. If so, then the best option will be leaving them. Otherwise, you may have bigger problems later on.

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