Guide To Gastric Sleeve Surgery In Mexico

By Christa Jarvis

Therapeutic measures include professional rescue and storage of emergency patients. For the rescue of persons from vehicles or other similar situations, special aids such as scoop stretcher or Kendrick Extrication Device available (gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico). In exceptional cases this can be a necessary. For gentle and suitable for transporting storage of casualties is usually the vacuum mattress application. In domestic sector, the need for storage at cardiovascular arrest is worth mentioning on a medium suitable for cardiac compressions hard surface.

Paying special attention to pain and pain-related reactions (eg guarding of abdomen), abnormal joint or bone position or motility or other abnormal findings is placed. In pre-hospital emergency medicine is the rather short study on the four most threatening B, chest - abdomen - pelvis - legs (thighs) fail, however, be more detailed in emergency room at the hospital.

The NeuroCheck is used to test the functioning of nervous system of a physically disabled person. This sensitivity can be (pain sensation), motor skills, strength and blood flow studied. Particular importance to this investigation for suspected spinal injury or non-oriented patients. The investigation includes: pupil (light sensitivity, etc.), sensitivity (eg pain response in extremities by pinching in both hands / legs.) (Hands and legs move), motor skills, muscle strength (handshake should be the same on both hands), blood flow (pressure on finger nail). For emergency medical diagnostics usually are instrumental possibilities available. However, the equipment may vary in individual cases from site to site.

Therefore, the primary emergency medical care takes place in all rule out an appropriate medical facility. So the core tasks of emergency medicine are also the professional rescue and storage of patients, preparing and maintaining the portability and the care and treatment of emergency patients under the transport conditions in, at least for primary therapy appropriate, the hospital (or other suitable location); there are, especially in rural regions, transport times of several hours possible. In United States limited the preclinical intervention of emergency physicians on air ambulance and mobile intensive care units.

Capnometry, the continuous measurement of CO2 in exhaled air is used to optimize the ventilation in ventilation and also for the estimation of body metabolism in resuscitation treatment. Find Semi-quantitative measurement method, typically a test for blood sugar to detect hypo- or hyperglycaemia, troponin to detect cardiac involvement (z. B. Myocardial infarction, severe angina pectoris), and optionally on toxic active substances (as in cases of suspected drug, barbiturate poisoning) also use.

1908 was designated in Frankfurt on the first International Congress for emergency services medicine as a special science to appropriate training of doctors is required. In 1947 reported Beck et al. First reported the successful defibrillation of a 14-year-old boy. In second half of 50s began in Germany in many places, the concrete construction of a notation centered Rescue System and 1970, the ADAC is by far the first, occupied with emergency medical and paramedic EMS helicopter .

The goal of screening is to determine the priority treatment of individual patient in order to allow many possible taking into account available resources to survive; co-existing medical care facilities are maintained or expanded according to needs.

In case of injury, among other things, a proper immobilization and reduction of joint and bone injuries or the containment of blood loss by applying a pressure bandage to vascular surgical procedures are performed. Existing or foreseeable intolerable pain conditions require appropriate - and sedation (anesthesia).

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