The Evolution Of Kung Fu Styles

By Patty Goff

Kung Fu is a word that is commonly used by the Chinese people to refer to any study that requires one to be patient and to use energy and time. In the west however, this word is commonly used to refer to the Chinese martial arts. It is associated with a lot of fighting styles that are usually categorized into different traits referred to as families. There are hundreds of kung Fu styles that were created more than one thousand years ago.

As much as there have been new techniques invented in the recent past, most of them are just evolutions of the old ones that have been used for a long time. They vary in different places because many people say that they reflect the different ways that different people live. The first category is the hard and soft styles. The soft ones involve the techniques of diverting momentum to tamper with the posture of the opponent. After the opponent loses their balance, defeating them becomes easier.

The soft techniques mainly require a lot of skill and internal energy. However, the hard styles exert the force outwards. These are the techniques that use a lot of force to defeat the enemy. Aside from the kind of force used, these techniques can also be classified according to the form of movements used. Some of them are usually circular while the other is linear. The circular movements mainly attack the sides while the straight ones attack directly.

This art also involves internal in addition to the external techniques. The internal techniques refer to those techniques that focus on the factors that cannot be touched such as meditation, body control, perception and also mind control. These are a great part of the soft style and they are also called mystical techniques. The external techniques on the other hand teach people how to make use of their body force. They are taught how to maintain posture and utilize their body strength.

One of the aspects that the masters of martial arts use to invent new styles is the environment. For instance, they can make observations in the behavior of animals and later invent a new fighting style from that. For example, there is the monkey style that was adopted from the monkeys.

There are very many other techniques. Some common examples include the northern shaolin, the dragon, white crane, the praying mantis and many others. Most of them have been invented from the behaviors of animals such as the monkeys and dragons. There are others however that were just invented by the expert kung Fu masters in the past.

Any person who wishes to get more acquainted with the fighting techniques of martial arts can easily achieve their goal by visiting a kung Fu master. They will be taught all the techniques that have managed to survive in the past times. They will help them to improve their spiritual selves and also be better at fighting and controlling their emotions.

The main reason why this art was invented was for the purpose of self-defense but today, it is used as a sport. There are different competitions that involve martial arts that are usually organized in different parts of the world.

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