Possible Ways To Reverse MS

By Sherry Gross

The human body is a marvel. It is free standing, and all parts all work together in simultaneous harmony to allow for one fully functioning human. It even has natural protective measures that ward off alien invaders from attacking the system. This team of natural body soldiers comprise the immune system of the human anatomy.

These antibodies and other like components make up the natural defense of the body which is also known as the immune system. Your immunity is what fights against viruses and bacterias to prevent you from getting sick with Reverse MS. It is a very important component of the body. Without it, one will be vulnerable to outside attack. But, there are some people who have developed some sort of autoimmunity. Basically, this means that your own immune system battles against you. The antibodies mistake the healthy cells for dangerous ones and try to kill them off.

Multiple sclerosis, as aforementioned, is an autoimmune disease. This means that your own antibodies attack your brain and spinal cord. These two are very important components of the nervous system, and it will cause quite a blow to daily living if these two are damaged. In a deeper sense, the said disease causes the myelin to gradually thin, so the nerves will not be able to conduct impulses.

The main reason why people lose most control of their body when afflicted with MS is due to demyelination. This means that the myelin that covers most nerve endings is gradually thinning. Myelin is important for easier conduction of impulses from the brain to the other parts.

This demyelination of nerve cells can result in poor control of muscles. The manifestations of the said illness varies from one affected person to the next, but the most common ones are muscle weakness and decreased coordination. The patient may also experience increased numbness and the tingling sensation of having pins and needles being stuck onto a specific part of your body.

Eye related problems are also linked to MS. This is because the lesions are somehow affecting the white matter in the optic nerves which allows one to perceive sight. If the illness progresses without any attempts to reverse it, the patient may ultimately lose control of all his or her muscles and will even have bladder and bowel control difficulties.

The real cause of MS is still mysteriously unknown, though some experts devoted to its study suspect that a rare combination of environmental factors can bring about the disease. Genetics and infectious agents are considered prime culprits. Smoking and other vices, when coupled with stress, can also increase the risk of developing the disease.

As of late, most patients are administered special drugs that help with the control of the flare ups. These drugs are not really compatible for all patients as there are some whose body invariably rejects the medication. This is why most patients are turning to the paleo diet to reverse the effects of the disease.

The paleo diet mimics the usual diet of the early men. This nutritional approach works with your genetics to help you stay fit. It is also known to fight MS, diabetes, and other serious conditions.

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