The Many Benefits Of Fitness Over 40

By Nora Jennings

Age happens to everybody and many people resent the fact that their bodies refuse to perform in the same way it used to once they reach the magic age of forty. It is nevertheless perfectly possible to remain fit and active in middle age and beyond. Fitness over 40 simply means that a different approach must be taken. The body changes and it is necessary to adapt exercise routines to those changes.

Once the age of forty is reached the body loses some of its elasticity. The ligaments, cartilage and tendons are much more vulnerable and injuries are a real danger. This is the age to change from high impact to low impact exercises. Aerobics and road running need should be forsaken and exercises such as cycling, walking, swimming and yoga should be considered because they do not pose such a high risk for injuries.

Those older than forty should focus on exercises that build strength. As the body ages the metabolism slows down and muscle loss start to take place. Strength exercises can help to prevent the loss of muscle but it is also beneficial in increasing bone density. Strength exercises also increase elasticity. Experts say that even people who never exercised before should do strength exercises once they reach forty.

Several studies have shown that people exercising regularly live longer than people that are not physically active. Fit people are also less likely to contract diseases such as heart conditions, diabetes and cancer when they grow older. Of course, fit people are also likely to maintain a healthy weight. They not only live longer but they also have a better quality of life.

Exercise should never be a punishment and after the age of forty it should not be equated with pain and suffering. At this age exercise should be a pleasure. It is not even necessary to use special equipment or to join a gym. Ordinary activities in and around the home, such as gardening or cleaning is often sufficient to keep a person fit. It may also help to take up a hobby or a sport that requires movement and low impact exercises.

Experts agree that stretching exercise become even more important after the age of forty. Because the supportive network of the body is less elastic, even low impact exercises can cause strain and injury. The solution is to stretch often and definitely before doing any exercise, even informal exercises such as gardening. Stretching exercises not only prevent injuries but also help to improve flexibility.

It is advisable to book a consultation with a doctor before taking up a new exercise routine. This is especially important if there was a long period of inactivity. It is vital for those suffering from any chronic medical condition and those that are overweight. It may also be a good idea to hire the services of a fitness expert in Atlanta GA order to devise an exercise program.

Getting fit should never be a punishing chore. It can be fun and it can add zest to life. Fit people not only live longer, they also live better. They can achieve more and they are less likely to contract diseases such as heart conditions and diabetes.

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