The Origin And Use Of The Musto Fleece Church In The Society

By Bonnie Contreras

Human beings did not mysteriously come into being, that is according to Christians belief. They were created by God; their Supreme Being. This is according to the holy bible with its teachings as per the eventful days when Jesus Christ was on earth. The musto fleece bible is believed to have been written by people who were guided by the Holy Spirit.

The believers have churches which are nothing other than buildings where people worship together.They gather together and worship God who they believe is the creator of the universe and everything that is found in it. Therefore, they respect the place as a holy place where no other activity can take place except praising and worshiping.There are functions which are allowed to take place in the church but on the other hand, these activities may affect the performance in one way or the other.

This house believed to be the temple of God is used to teach morals to the society. This is all to do with how people relate with each other. People cannot commit crimes like adultery and murder because they are against Christianity.

They are also special places to find solace. They console the souls of the people who are stressed in life and feel like they should let it go in life. It reminds them that God is there for them always.

There is one emerging issue that is affecting the overall view of the house of the Lord. Many people are starting up churches that are not even real. Their main aim is to collect monies that they use in their daily lives and they are not in service by any call by the Lord or any special connection with God. They are making them appear like kiosks instead of being real temples of God.

Pastors and other church leaders are supposed to be epitomes of the good in the society. It happens that most of them really set bad examples to the society. As they say, you cannot preach water and take wine, it should be parallel so that people can really follow a style portrayed by their leaders.

It is good news though that now more and more churches are being built in many countries all over. This means the Christians base is increasing and soon enough all heathens may reconsider joining the band wagon of Christ.

People should not perceive the church as a place where they can just go to practice their own dirt character. It is a place that ought to be respected by everybody. And finally, people should not view it as a place that only those that are righteous can go. Musto fleece church is open for everybody and even Jesus said that He came for the sinners no the righteous.

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