Why It Is Difficult To Respond To The Question What Is Glutathione

By Alice Jones

Everybody wants to believe that there are cures for everything. Or, at least that there is something that can be done about every conceivable human condition, if only you read the right literature. Every now and then everybody becomes excited when a new wonder drug or cure is discovered. That is one of the reasons why so many people have been asking themselves what is glutathione. It seems to promise unheard of benefits.

This so called super antioxidant is an extremely small molecule that is deemed miraculous simply because it exists inside the cell structure. Some scientists deem this to be the most important antioxidant in existence. Antioxidants are considered very important for the on going health of all human beings. It is specifically considered to be so important because it is found in every type of cell in the body.

The importance of antioxidants simply cannot be overemphasized. Due to several factors, among which are smoking, stress and dietary shortcomings free radicals develop in the body. A free radical is a molecule that misses an electron, and that makes it unstable. These free radicals can cause many diseases and one of the best ways in which to neutralize them is to take antioxidants. The antioxidants donate an electron to the free radical, thereby rendering it harmless.

This powerful antioxidant is doubly useful precisely because it is found in every type of cell in the human body. Authoritative studies have shown that it not only serve to neutralize free radicals, but that it also play an important role in helping the liver get rid of pollutants and toxins. Other studies have shown that very ill people that suffer from cancer and even AIDS all show a deficiency of this antioxidant.

Some experts are of the opinion that this specific antioxidant is not very well absorbed when consumed as food. It is possible to have it administered intravenously but it is much easier to rather take precursors. Precursors are the molecules that the body needs to manufacture the antioxidant itself. There are products available that claim to increase the levels of this antioxidant.

Some experts are of the opinion that it is possible to raise the levels of this antioxidant in a natural way. Moderate exercise every day is important, but vigorous exercise can have a negative effect because it can cause new free radicals. Foods that are rich in sulphur is also said to encourage the body to manufacture more of this antioxidant. Onions, broccoli, cabbage and watercress are only a few examples of such foods.

Most scientists agree that much research still need to be done on the benefits and potentially harmful side effects of glutathione. At present there is no evidence that it can cause any harm whatsoever. It has been used successfully in the treatment of many diseases associated with old age and it is even said to slow down the aging process.

There is no clear and final answer to the question what is glutathione because research is still very thin on the ground. Some experts believe that it will turn out to be one of the most important antioxidants and that it will aid in the treatment of many diseases. However, it is certain that free radicals must be neutralized and that antioxidants play an important role in this process.

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