The Important Muscle Building Role Played By Your Diet

By Arnold Sylvester

Do you neglect your diet? Are you one of the many gym users guilty of eating junk food under the guise of trying to bulk up? Today you'll learn how to build muscle the right way with a solid diet and why it's just as important as learning how to deadlift or squat.

Given that the majority of the hypertrophy process occurs while your body recovers at home, it really makes sense to learn how to structure your food intake to match your fitness goals.

But even though it makes sense to watch what you eat, many men fall into the deadly trap of presuming they can gorge on whatever food they like then justify it by claiming they are trying to bulk up. A dirty bulk results in dirty weight being added.

The fact is your diet represents the toughest challenge to your fitness goals. After a while, even the most gruelling of training programs becomes fun. It becomes a challenge you'll enjoy. The diet part, however, remains a constant test to most people.

Now, there are groups of people who totally neglect their diet out of nothing more than a lack of self discipline. That's their choice. But there are another group here, a group who want to get results but simply do not know where to get started with all the information out there offering different advice.

A good way to get on top of things initially is to stick to the latest, science backed data. This simple three step formula will help you get on the right track:

1. 1.5 grams of protein per lb of your current body weight.

2. Aim to eat about 2 grams of carbohydrates per lb of your weight

3. 0.5 grams of fat per lb of your current body weight.

But before you look at this like a set of rules, remember the most important factor here is that no diet fits everyone. This merely gives you a starting point, from which you can experiment by raising or lowering certain nutrients until you find an optimal intake to give your body results. I:8:T

You may be somewhat surprised to hear this, but the main nutrient which most people are lacking is protein. Sure, most guys purchase a whey protein supplement these days but the majority are doing it just because society tells them they need one. For many, this is the only protein they intake on a daily basis and it is simply not enough to build lean size.

Fats are also often avoided by mistake. They share the same name as the thing which most men are trying to shed from their midsection, but that does not mean eating fat is bad. In fact, eating plenty of healthy fats as well as some unhealthy fats has been scientifically shown to boost muscle retention as well as fat loss!

Now comes the interesting part. When you have your protein and fat intake set correctly, carbohydrates will determine what type of physique your body can achieve. Start with the recommended amount and note your results, before increasing the amount if you want to add more size or decreasing it if you feel you are adding body fat.

What you do in the gym only plays a small role in the physique you are trying to build. Learning how to build muscle in the kitchen is really as important as perfecting your lifts and smashing a brand new personal best lift in the squat rack.

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