Accurate Calibrated Audiometer For Hearing Loss Evaluations

By Helene Norris

The audiometer is used by audiology centers and ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists for measuring hearing loss. It is usually one of the methods performed as part of an audiometry test. Both hardware and software-based audiometers are now available from various providers.

Audiometers built as a physical device emit audio tones at varying intensities. During the hearing loss evaluation test, the machine's output is fed to headphones and heard in each ear separately by the subject. A feedback button that can be pressed enables the subject to acknowledge each tone as they hear it.

The device can be a standalone machine or hooked up to a computer that controls the output and records all the feedback. These machines are made using different kinds of technologies, depending on the intended usage. Some are portable, others handhelds, and still others may be full-fledged systems that are meant to be used in one place. All of them are either bone-conduction or air-conduction audiometers.

Software-based systems function in pretty much the same way, sending out a tone to the subject on a headphone and collecting feedback through a button. The difference is in the way the tone is generated. In this case, the software merely sends out stored tones to the computer's sound card.

The hardware audiometers that are used by hospitals, audiology centers and researchers are expensive, but incredibly accurate and reliable. It's important to make sure these machines are calibrated regularly so that the tone heard by the subject matches the level displayed on the machine. Calibration requirements also ensure standardized testing and results regardless of where the machine is being used.

Audiometry software is much more affordable by comparison, and can be used by anyone even at home. Calibration is not so easy for the software, which means there will be some accuracy loss. It's still quite useful for regular self-testing, and will let the subject know if any further checkups and medical treatment are needed.

The purpose of this arrangement, regardless of whether it is software or a physical device, is to pinpoint the exact audio level at which the subject stops responding. This allows the physician to diagnose the problem, if any, and provide treatment. Apart from actual ear cleaning to clear obstructions, the subject may also need to take ear drops. If the problem is more serious, a hearing-aid or surgery (or both) may be needed.

Audiometers may also be used for industrial audiometric testing. The procedure followed is essentially the same as described above. The difference is in the fact that the subject or patient doesn't come to the clinic. Instead, a full-fledged mobile audiometry testing lab and technician are brought to the industrial facility to test the hearing levels of noise-exposed workers.

The results obtained in these industrial tests are not simply meant to evaluate the hearing ability of workers from a health point of view. It is also used to find out whether the facility requires additional noise-muffling systems. Sometimes, these checkups are provided under group health plans. In any case, an audiometer used for industrial applications must be calibrated perfectly to within a small fraction of a decibel.

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