Fitness Success Strategies

By Vito La Fata

Would you like some help in your quest for fitness? Happily, there are lots of ways to help you find success not only in fitness, but also in other areas of your life. Staying on the path to success is a matter of understanding some success principles and then implementing them in your life. Let's look at some of these.

Resisting distraction is one of the best things you can do to help you to reach your goals. We are all pulled away from focusing on things by our phones, emails, voice messages, text messages and even Facebook. This causes us to attempt to multitask, but honesty, it does not work. Multitasking simply does not exist as the wonderful thing that so many people think it is.

An interesting point on multi-tasking: there was a study done on how well we are able to multitask and how it affects our brains. What the study found is that while people are multi-tasking, they suffer a ten point drop in their IQ score! Is it any wonder that most of us are having a hard time getting the things done that we need to?

But there is more to the story. Researchers also did a study on what happened to the IQ of people when they get high. The results were interesting: people who get high only suffer a decrease of five points in their IQ.

The truth is that multi-tasking simply does not work very. It is smarter to simply focus on one thing before moving on to something else. You actually lose 28% of your productive energy when you try to multi-task too much. Now, to make this relevant to your fitness, let's think about your time spent at the gym. If you are in a workout session, give yourself fully to it and do not try to multi-task while you exercise.

It is important to understand that successful people are aware that there are things clamoring for their attention and they work hard to resist being distracted by them. They turn off the television, they don't spend their lives watching the news. They take breaks, clear their minds and keep pressing forward. You would do well to do the same.

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