Get Ripped

By Christian March

You want to get ripped quick, right? Well, this article will tell you what you need to know, but keep in mind that these suggestions are for the exerciser that is already in shape. They might be too intense for someone just starting out. But, if you follow these, you'll see results very soon.

Since you are already in pretty good shape but you just want to see more defined muscles, that's easy. See, your muscles are probably fine. You just need to get them to be released from the amount of fat covering them. You now need to shift some focus onto your diet and cardio.

In regards to the actual training plan, you have options. You can either adopt an existing plan or create your own. If you decide to use an existing plan, I suggest either P90X or Body for Life. Both are fine and proven programs that focus on these same goals. But, especially if you are going to create your own, here are the guidelines:

1. Train nearly every day! Training daily keeps your metabolism high and burning more fat all day. I only suggest one day off each week.

2. High intensity weight lifting. Make sure you lift weights to a heavy fatigue. This promotes muscle growth which in turn increases your metabolism even more. Also, larger muscles show through your skin more than smaller ones. These are examples of good exercises.

3. Drink lots of water. Your body simply won't do what you want it to do if it's cells don't have water. The suggestion is a half ounce of water per pound of muscle every day.

4. Protein in your diet. Muscles use protein to build. If you don't eat it, they can't build. it's simple. And. since it can be hard to get enough in your diet, it's recommended to get a whey protein supplement. Think about making a protein shake every day.

5. Clean up your diet! Putting junk in your body does nothing good and keeps you from your goal. Stick to snacking on fruits and vegetables.

6. Recover: Allowing your body to recover is as important as training. You can't have one without the other. With that in mind, make sure you get plenty of rest and good long sleep at night.

These are basic, sound principles that have worked for bodybuilders for years. They will work for you as well.

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