Important Facts About Dental Implants Los Angeles Patients Should Know

By Lucille Lamb

People who have lost an individual tooth or several teeth in different places may be good candidates for dental implants. These consist of a synthetic tooth which attaches onto a titanium steel post that is surgically inserted into the jaw bone. To find out if they are eligible for dental implants Los Angeles patients can visit a dentist.

The implant unit is comprised of three parts, which act as a substitute for the tooth and its root system. The titanium steel post must be surgically embedded in the jaw, which is followed by the addition of an abutment or collar onto it, and lastly a crown made of composite or porcelain is cemented or screwed on.

If this procedure is to be successful, there needs to be enough bone in the jaw to hold the implant. The dentist will be able to assess this by performing an examination, making impressions of the teeth, taking x-rays and if needed, a CT scan. When the bone is insufficient, other preliminary procedures may be necessary, such as grafting or augmentation.

It may take a few months to one year to completely finish the installation of implants. This mainly depends on whether they are being placed in the upper or lower jaw, and if a one or two-stage installation technique is being used. In the two-step procedure, the steel post is first implanted in the patient's jaw in the first operation, and in the second one a metal abutment is added. Some dentists prefer a procedure which involves all work being done at once.

If the dentist is satisfied that there is enough bone, the first surgery to install the titanium post will be arranged. This procedure is usually done by an oral surgeon or a periodontist as it involves drilling into the jaw. After 4-7 months time, the next stage can be completed.

The patient needs to wait before undergoing the second stage in this process because the implant and bone must fuse together and fortify so it can support the crown. The next procedure involves attaching an abutment, or tiny metal collar is secured to the post which serves the purpose of separating the implant from the gums. Sometimes it is removed after several days, other times it is left in place.

A temporary crown may be affixed to either the abutment or directly onto the steel post, and is worn by the patient while his or her permanent crown is being made according to the impressions the dentist made. The softer temporary crown facilitates healing of the gum tissues. After about 4-6 weeks, the permanent crown will be attached using screws or dental cement.

Taking care of implants is no different than caring for natural teeth, they simply require brushing and flossing. The patient will need to see the dentist every 3 months to make sure the implant has taken properly, and eventually only every six months. Most often after getting dental implants Los Angeles patients will feel more confident about their appearance and can enjoy the results for as much as 25 years.

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