Great At-Home Tips For Curing Sleep Apnea Therapy

By Odessa Edwards

Studies show that more than 12 million Americans today are suffering from sleep apnea. The condition is characterized by a cessation of oxygen flow to the rest of the body especially during sleep time. It is caused by the relaxation of the soft tissue of the throat, which in turn causes blockage. In other cases, this condition may be brought about by the failure of your brain to send the proper signals to muscles that control breathing. Luckily, there are simple sleep apnea therapy methods to help these people.

In some people, experiencing a combination of these two phenomenons does happen. There are airway devices that can be used to help sufferers, while the problem can also be remedied by surgeries. But before going into these complicated procedures, it would be wise to try the natural remedies to this disorder. They include the following.

Altering sleeping habit is another thing to help you in dealing with the condition. This is as opposed to sleeping on your back or on your stomach. When you do this, the tongue and the soft palate are prevented from sliding back. This sliding is what normally results to blockage of airway.

Another thing is to stimulate the soft palate. Throat exercises are also important in speech therapy, in addition to being able to control your breathing as you sleep. The main aim of the exercise is to pronounce an oral vowel, in which the air is able to escape solely by way of mouth. Make an effort to alternate and repeat the oral vowels continuously for three minutes a day. They include words like coil, coal, kale, keel among others.

Eating habits, especially the chewing aspect, need to be changed too. When you are eating, try practicing bilateral chewing, or even using both sides of your mouth. With your tongue on the palate, try to chew the food without opening your mouth. This exercise reinforces the movement your tongue and jaw and functionality. This reduces sleep apnea symptoms.

Another important tip is to practice pronouncing open vowels 3 minutes daily. The exercise is composed of pronunciation of open vowels while inhaling through your nose and at the same time exhaling though the mouth. The words in question are those having long vowel sounds at their ends, and they include tree, bee, cry and fry among others.

Inflating the rubber balloon is also effective in dealing with such a condition. The exercise is best performed when someone is in a seated position. Without removing the balloon from your mouth, you need to inflate it using five deep breaths. The aim of this exercise is to make the air to move properly through your nose when you are sleeping. This will avoid soft tissue at the back of your throat relaxing. And therefore there will be no disturbance.

As simple as inflating the rubber balloons also curbs the disorder. When doing the exercise, ensure that you are in a seated position. While in that position and without getting the balloon from your mouth, perform five deep breaths to inflate the balloon. This will enhance proper movement of the air through your nose when asleep. The result is that the sift tissue from the back of your mouth will not relax. You will then be able to sleep soundly without being disturbed by sleep apnea therapy.

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