Some Facts About Osteoarthritis Of The Spine

By Dr. Grazyna Pajunen

General Health in the body is the only way human beings can comfortably carry out their day to day activities completely. Therefore, we are always asked to take great care on our bodies. I will therefore do a review of one ailment referred to as osteoarthritis of the spine. This is one among the diseases that affect our bodies.

The term osteoarthritis is a medical term that describes wearing down of bones. It is also called degenerative joint disease. This condition when experienced in the joints and bones at the back of our bodies brings us to the term osteoarthritis of the spine.

This condition normally affects the back and the neck. This gives an idea why it has the name. It is a serious disease that causes a lot of pain and in other occasions leads to death.

Extensive studies and research have opined that the disease has a certain trait with respect to people it attacks. Heavy people have been noted to be among them. That is too say, weight can bring this condition. They explain that, too much weight exerts a lot of pressure to our backs because of posture, they argue, heavy people have a curved back hence weakening the cartilages. Another item that was established was age, they explain that time brings about wear and tear, old age will not allow quick replacement of tissues. Also, injuries, other diseases like arthritis and genes can result to such a condition.

Let us look at the symptoms. How can a person realize that he or she might be suffering from this condition? That is the question we need to answer. Doctors have always advised that prevention is better than cure. Since its affects the back and neck, the first symptoms will be felt on these organs in form of pain on the back and neck which will normally subsides when one lies down. Again, the legs and hands will also feel very weak. Doctors also say that it results to depression since it renders someone physically inactive.

The doctors will also do diagnosis to find out whether or not you are suffering from these conditions. Doctors can use x-ray pictures to see any injuries. But generally, it is impossible to use blood tests to decipher it. But, doctors might undertake it to right off presence of any other disease.

Of course once the diagnosis has been done and it is established there exists the condition or disease, treatment must follow. One method used is weight reduction since it has been related to the causes. Drugs are also administered but normally to reduce or remove pain. Exercise is also used for treatment because it strengthens the bones and makes them less susceptible to fractures. Massage is also one of the methods that have been adopted in treatment.

In conclusion, reading this is not enough. We should visit the doctor with reasonable frequency for check ups. They have enough knowledge and skills to realize osteoarthritis of the spine better than us.

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