Basic Facts Regarding Acls Houston Residents Should Know

By Tamika Quinn

There are a number of things regarding acls Houston residents need to know if intending to undergo this training. ACLS stands for advanced cardiac life support. It is a set of clinical procedures that are carried out as an intervention during stroke, cardiac arrest as well as other medical emergencies. Any person who has undertaken a course in Advanced Cardiac Life Support has the requisite knowledge and skills for carrying out these procedures.

The training is recommended for persons working in the health profession including doctors, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and paramedics. The same may also be taught to laymen even if they encounter such situations less frequently. Various hospital units such as those involved in emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care organise regular courses for their staff.

Students undertaking the course are expected to gain a basic minimum of skills and knowledge as regards to the ability to respond to medical emergencies. They should be competent in giving quality chest compressions, using the bag and mask appropriately, maintaining a patent airway and playing an active role in a resuscitative team as members or team leaders. Prompt recognition and management of respiratory and cardiac arrest is very important.

An initial provider course takes between 10 and 12 hours. During this time participants are taught various skills, they are given an opportunity to practise them and are tested by the trainers. If one was previously trained and need to renew their qualification, this takes much shorter (usually 5-6hours). It is recommended that every instructor handles 6 students using 2 manikins. Classroom-based approach may also be used. In such a setting, video images are used to help in the acquisition of skills.

Several stations, each with a specific skill to be picked, are set up. The student is confronted with a clinical scenario likely to be faced in real life in each of these stations. They are expected to respond by applying the skills and knowledge gained from the training. Active participation through role playing ensures that skills are reinforced. If a classroom approach is being used, the important skills are played on video. Learners get a chance to interact in groups and to give feedback to their trainers.

Upon completion of the training, each successful applicant is issued with a course completion certificate. A holder of such a card has successfully demonstrated all the skills required in the various stations. They also have passed the CPR, AED and bag-and-mask ventilation skill tests. Lastly they must also have passed a written and a Megacode test. Each completion card is valid for two years. To remain qualified holders must enrol in renewal courses upon expiry.

Persons that have successfully undertaken the course should undertake continuous education so that they are aware of the most current practice in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The American Heart Association, AHA, offers this kind of training. This program is accredited by the Continuing Education Coordinating Board for Emergency Medical Services, CECBEMS. The AHA does not determine the costs of these courses but suggests retail prices to its authorised dealers.

There are two slightly different options of acls Houston residents can choose from. These include the HeartCode ACLS and ACLS experienced provider. Both of these require rigorous training in skills and extensive acquisition of knowledge. The AHA now recognises Basic Life Support (BLS) as an essential component of ACLS following a review of the guidelines in 2010. A background of BLS qualification is therefore very important for persons wishing to get training in ACLS.

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