Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe?

By Michelle Caron

Many chiropractors specialize in nutrition, and specifically what is good for you body, but also what foods you should avoid. Doctors of chiropractic have recently called for the labeling of GMO's or Genetially Modified Organisms in our food supply. This would allow people to make good choices on what they are putting in their body, and also allow them to make a choice to not consume a potentially harmful source of food.

GMO's are known to be organisms whose genes or genetic characteristics have been changed through genetic engineering. DNA from one species can be transferred into another organism in labs, thereby developing new strains of animals, plants, bacteria and viral genes. These new organisms would not be found in nature if it weren't for this crossbreeding. And while more variety in our food sources seems like a positive, many leading nutrition experts feel that eating these newly modified organisms may not be in our best interest.

Americans are crying out to get their foods labeled, specifically to identify whether or not they contain genetically modified ingredients. There are campaigns on Facebook and other social media sites on the internet where people can sign a petition asking for labeling of GMO's. Polls show that many people would not purchase genetically modified foods, and therefore would like them labeled. Prepackaged foods in our country are estimated to contain GMO's 80% of the time, even though Americans have declared they want GMO's labeled and/or eliminated.

Bans and restrictions of GMO's in other countries are common due to the fact that they have not been proven safe. The research provided the U.S. FDA on GMO's safety has mainly been provided by the companies that produce them, which seems to be a conflict of interest. Lobbying and campaign contributions help persuade legislators to pass these laws. Many Americans are not convinced on the safety of GMO's, and have begun labeling campaigns. It should be left up to individuals to decide whether or not to consume GMO's, at least until they have a proven safety record. Many consumers aren't familiar with GMO's and the possible risks of consuming them. Labeling would bring the issue up for consideration.

There are ten GMO foods believed to be the most potentially harmful, and therefore many experts recommend avoiding them. The foods to consider avoiding are: soy, aspartame, canola, dairy, corn, sugar, papayas, cotton, zucchini and yellow squash. Consumption of the previous foods may hold certain health risks. It may be difficult to avoid these foods entirely in the big chain gorcery stores. Finding alternate places such as CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture) and farmer's markets make it easier to locate and purchase non-GMO foods. USDA-organic is a label you can trust to be non-GMO.

It may feel overwhelming to identify and eliminate GMO foods in your diet. Your local chiropractor can help you identify safe foods, and can suggest local places to purchase non-GMO foods. Chiropractors can also help you support your healthy diet with proper supplements to keep you looking and feeling your best.

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