Is Muscle Building Faster With Creatine Products?

By Russ Howe

You've got your gym bag ready, you know how to build muscle by hitting the weights at the gym regularly, but there is one area which still poses confusion. That area, of course, is supplements. If this is your current situation then don't worry, for you are certainly not alone. Many people go through it and today we'll be helping you to get things in order by looking at how creatine products work, what to look for and what blends work best.

There is no doubt that the number one cause of failure in the fitness industry is confusion.

One of the best things about working in the health and fitness sector is helping people to understand their body and get into the shape they want, whatever that my be. However, we all know at least one person in our lives who likes to complicate the situation and over analyze everything when it comes to supplements. They'll often lose the interest of the person they were initially trying to help in the first place as they go off on an ego trip to show their knowledge.

Because of this tendency to over complicate supplements, people get lost and have no clue where to start. It doesn't need to be like that.

This supplement is absolutely no different. Many people don't know where to start and they see every major supplement manufacturer saying the exact same things, swearing that you need to use their product because all of the other ones will not work as effectively for you.

Despite being on the market now for over 20 years, there is still a large cloud of doubt surrounding people's knowledge of this particular product. Many people take it without even really knowing why, so today we will show you. This isn't a steroid, it's a naturally occurring substance which is produced by your body when you do any kind of explosive movement.

Basically, these increased stores of this substance result in your ability to lift slightly heavier weights for slightly longer periods of time.

That's the product in a nutshell. It increases your body's ability to draw on that massive, exploding power it uses for big movements.

When people ask the question will supplements like this give you a more muscular body they are often shocked that our answer is generally no. You see, while it certainly increases your body's ability to perform it ultimately requires you to actually go to the gym and put in the hard work for yourself. Without that part, you won't notice any of the results this product enables. It's no 'miracle pill', as they say.

One area where people don't expect to come unstuck is choosing which blend of this supplement to use. There is more than one type of this product and all the major companies will have a range of different options, ranging from pills, to powders, to drinks.

If scientific research is what you'd like to base your decision on, and we wholly recommend you do so, then you should stick to the basic form of this product which is pure monohydrate.

That is largely due to the fact that monohydrate has been with us for around two decades and has been the subject of far more studies and trials than any of the newer options. It's also the most cost effective blend, so it's certainly a good place to start.

If you are already an experienced gym user you may already know how to build muscle but the majority of fitness enthusiasts are not in that situation and need help, particularly in the area of supplements. Creatine is just one example of a product which is often needlessly over complicated. After reading today's article you have the solid foundation to get the most from any product of this type in the future.

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