Is A Holistic Training Routine Good For You?

By Howe Russ

Holistic training is an often overlooked workout method which has faded out of the public eye in recent years. However, like most things in fitness, it's once again making it's way into workout programs around the world as the next wave of old training methods makes it's comeback. Today we'll be explaining what this is and why you may enjoy it.

You could be forgiven for thinking your local gym didn't want you to train, such is the fitness industry's obsession with developing new methods to get you in and out of there in less time each day.

If you have been exercising for a while now you will have noticed that all the new workout styles out there are not actually new at all, they're simply old techniques making a comeback. Whether it's kettlebell training or hiit workouts designed for fat loss, it's all been done before. Ten years ago if you asked for advice on how to lose weight you wouldn't have been told to do either of those, because they had faded out of popularity.

Back in the 1980's, holistic methods were all the rage. As with most things, we do love to give things scientific names. When you get down to the real facts, however, you'll notice that the things at the foundation of this training method are actually very simple indeed.

The word holistic means varied. This means you're entire workout routine is going to switch between different styles and goals. This usually happens on a weekly basis and continues for a period of roughly two or three months before a new program is started.

Are there any real benefits to this method, though?

There are two main advantages.

* Constant variation forces new muscle growth and fat loss.

* Your workouts will become more interesting as each week forces you to try something new.

The most common problems with people who hit plateau usually involve boredom and lack of progression. As you can see above, those are the two main areas this workout method attacks, making it a great choice for those who usually succumb to the pressures of either issue.

By forcing your muscles to go between different methods, such as kettlebell training, heavy barbell training and high intensity cardio workouts, you'll keep your body guessing and bust out of the toughest plateau.

There is one drawback, however. Monitoring your progress can become tricky when you are using so many different options. It's going to be difficult to tell if your bench press has improved over the course of your training month because you'll be switching between heavy and light resistance every seven days.

Depending how important that factor is to you, you may actually really enjoy this way of exercising. Holistic training is one of the simplest forms of breaking a plateau and, therefore, it's usually one of the tried and tested methods which pops up whenever any gym user asks for tips on how to lose weight.

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