How To Lose Weight Made Simpler Than Ever

By Howe Russ

As a fitness instructor I know that there is one area where most gym users are completely confused. That area, of course, is how to lose weight. Make no mistake about it, whether you are aiming for lasting fat loss or even trying to figure out how to build muscle you will come across a few simple rules which are proven to work.

The following steps are proven and very, very effective not only when it comes to removing unwanted body fat but also when it comes to keeping it off in future.

Let's get started!

There is so much nonsense out there when it comes to dieting and fat loss that people often overlook the basics which are proven to work.

1) Get A Basic Grasp On Your Calorie Intake

2) Up Your Protein When Cutting Carbs

3) Protein Foods Make Better Snacks

4) The Tubs Of Success

5) Take A Break Every Sunday

We'd be pretty bad instructors if we just gave you that list and wished you all the best, of course, so now we're going to take some time to walk through each one in a bit more detail so you have no doubts or anything else holding you back. The first step is to establish how many calories you take in on average on a daily basis. From this point forwards, eat less calories than that number. That's the simplicity behind rule number one.

If you've known anyone do the Atkins diet or any other quick fix course you'll know what we mean by rule number two. When we cut down carbohydrates we often forget that if you don't simultaneously increase your protein intake your body will burn muscle instead of fat each time you exercise or each time it simply needs fuel.

Rules three and four cover snacking. The most common reason for people failing time and time again when it comes to weight loss is their inability to stop snacking through boredom. Usually, hunger strikes when you're at work and don't have any healthy food around you.

Protein has the least impact on fat storage, so if you want a snack it makes sense to shoot for a piece of chicken, tuna or even a protein sports supplement. Take a few small snack tubs alongside your packed lunch and stock them with some protein rich choices for you throughout the day. Never again will you see your reflection in the vending machine glass. You'll also store considerably less body fat by snacking with protein instead of carbohydrates or fats, so these two rules yield great returns particularly for those who work in offices.

After you've dieted all week the last thing you'd probably want to do is to take a day off, right? Dismiss the fear that you can undo a great week's work with one simple day. Remember, there is a big difference between a cheat day and Christmas day. By enjoying a day off you'll curb any temptations. Enjoy your favorite junk food if you want to, it won't derail your efforts in the bigger picture and it will actually help you stick to your plan far longer than you may ever have in the past.

So if you fall into the group of people desperately trying to figure out how to lose weight effectively you now have a strong foothold to get moving from. If you're trying to learn how to build muscle we'll have another post for you coming up soon.

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