Discover The Different Types Of Spirometers

By Dorothea Garner

Spirometers are important medical equipments in the practice of medicine where they are used in identification of respiratory conditions. They record volume of air and the rate at which air enters the chest. This is important in diagnosing and even management of diseases of respiratory origin. Some examples of the devices as listed here.

It is important to note that the use of these devices began very long time at around 200 A. D. By a Greek doctor. His experiment used the human bladder to estimate volume. Over time the idea was refined through technological advancement and increase in knowledge to the present day sophisticated types.

A plethysmograph is one type used to measure changes in volume within a specific organ or even the whole body usually through detecting the amount of blood or air reaching the specified object. Pulmonary plethysmographs are mostly used in the measuring of functional residual capacity in the lungs. This refers to the volume in the lungs when the muscles used in breathing are relaxed after a normal expiration. The use of this device involves a patient entering a small enclosed space from which the test is done.

The pneumotachometer groups of these instruments are good for measuring the rate flow air flow into and out of the lungs. They consist of a fine mesh which is very sensitive in detecting pressure differences in the airways. They are a good choice especially in very ill patients because they test is done as the patient continues to breathe in fresh air as normal.

An incentive type is a very important and life saving device that in addition to measure the speed of flow and lung volume, it has the ability to support lung function. It is mainly used in very sick patient especially after surgery involving the chest. It helps prevent fluid from accumulating in the lungs.

A peak expiratory device is small hand held equipment that is used when determining the maximum speed with which an individual can breathe out. It helps monitor the ability of a person to expire and thus monitoring recovery in people undergoing treatment for obstructive lung conditions. It can also be used to determine the degree of obstruction of the airway.

There are also electric devices that measure the rate of flow and volume of air as it passes through specially designed channels. They use ultrasonic transducers that are sensitive in interpreting pressure differences in these channels. They are reliable and very accurate since they are automated and highly hygienically sound because the channels are disposable.

A Windmill-type which is also known as a Spiropet is used specifically for the measure of forced vital capacity. It has broad measuring range to relatively very high volumes. It employs the principles of water displacement and must be held in a horizontal plane while being used because it had rotating disks which can be displaced.

The last type in these subtypes of spirometers is the Tilt-compensated type which is among the latest to be invented. It has been designed such that is has the ability to be tilted and adjusted so as to fit the position of the patient. It thus has the advantage of flexibility.

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