Agaricus Bisporus Extract Provides Many Useful Benefits

By Kendra Ware

Many people worldwide suffer from kidney diseases some will recover while there are those that are in the final stages of renal failure. Usually the only way to extend one of these patients' lives is through a kidney transplant. However an ancient Chinese remedy containing Agaricus bisporus extract is greatly boosting and rejuvenating the kidney functions.

Commonly recognized at the white button table mushrooms, which is found in over 70 countries and is the top most produced and consumed mushroom on this planet. This fungus is jam packed with potassium, sodium, and phosphorus and of course all important antioxidants. Many scientists and medical experts are referring to this as a miracle Kidney powerhouse, due to it vast chemical make up.

One study in particular where the extract was administered to terminal renal failure patients, where no other treatment could stop the inevitable, a significant decrease in creatinine levels was noted. Thus extending the lives of these otherwise terminal patients. This successful study spoke volumes as to the truth behind the claims that the product could reverse kidney disease.

A lot of factors come into play as far as damaging the kidneys and the lifestyle that most humans lead today increase the risk of any kind of renal disease. Most people will not recognize certain early symptoms of a weakening kidney, such as fatigue, depression, muscle cramps, poor concentration and the list goes on and on. These are everyday aches and pains that most often will go untreated or be self medicated causing more strain on the kidneys.

A controlled study done three years ago involving over 2000 women showed a huge decrease in the risk of developing breast cancer. Volunteers that agreed to eat fresh mushrooms every day reduced the risk by 64%, while those that ingested green tea and mushrooms together had a phenomenal reduction of up to 90%. When used on patients suffering from lung and lymphoma cancer above average healing took place, scientists are baffled that the product only reacts inside the body and could not be replicated inside a test tube.

As an anti- toxin this wonderful healing mushroom worked in reducing blood toxin levels by half in 30 days. Agaricus was used to treat chronic diarrhea in aged patients with 100% success rate. Furthermore its capabilities when utilized as a combatant for bad body smells used to combat bad body odors including rank breath have come to the fore as well.

Cortisone is the most commonly used steroid to treat severe allergies; however it releases vast amounts of unhealthy toxins into the body. The extract when tested on alleviating allergies, worked to clear 4 different types of allergic reactive enzymes by 82%. This by far out performed hydrocortisone which could only average about 69%.

This product is recommended to only be bought if the authentic patented process is followed in order to make the agaricus bisporus extract . The process must be done using low temperature and extraction mainly from the mycelia which has undergone a fermentation process. Basically how it works is through restoring the driving force of the body, the kidneys. This powerful nutrient rich mushroom has to be incorporated into every person's life. There is no doubt about it, nature truly does have an amazing way of helping out, even in the smallest form.

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