Cool Tips on Adrenal Fatigue Supplements

By Virginia Hwang

A way of finding out if you are suffering from adrenal fatigue is by using the blood pressure to measure which segment of compensation the adrenals are in. You'll need a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope more than the electronic equipment and it'd be best if a seasoned doctor could do the test for you. You will need to take a baseline BP whilst sitting, then again whilst lying down and then standing up quickly . When the drop is larger than 20mm on last reading, adrenal fatigue may be a cause.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the "kidney yang" concurs with the power of the adrenal glands. By going to an expert of TCM you can simply and effectively discover if you suffer from adrenal fatigue by doing a straightforward test called "reading of the pulse".

Adrenal Fatigue is also called hypoadrenia and it occurs when the adrenal glands are exhausted and they cannot handle the production of hormones requested by the body. The body falls into a downward spiral as none of the organs get the hormones they need to have to function correctly.

When you suffer from adrenal fatigue symptoms your eyes are responsive to light. This is because of the fact that the pupils do not have the strength to contract efficiently. You can do that test. Dim the light and let your pupils distend for approx. Ten minutes. Peer into the mirror and shine a flash-lamp in from the side. If our pupils hesitate to contract, or if they have trouble holding the contraction, adrenal fatigue could be the cause.

Adrenal Fatigue is mainly a stress related syndrome. High and constant levels of emotional and psychological stress can cause your adrenal glands to start dysfunctioning. From a biochemical point of view, nutritive inadequacies can take responsibility or the increase of poisons in the body through the consumption of food additions and sub-standard drinking water.

Nutrition plays a very important part in protecting the adrenal glands in fine condition. The primary enemies of the glands are processed sugar and flour. Today we all seem to be living on a high, refined carb diet and cola drinks which are full of sugar. This stresses the adrenal glands and can ultimately lead directly to complete adrenal fatigue. A scarcity of protein may also cause damage. Too much protein from the other viewpoint stresses the liver so it's best solely to follow a reasonable nutritional plan and leave refined flour and sugar for Sunday Lunch.

Hypoadrenia can take responsibility for a bunch of emotional problems like : depression, anxiety, bad temper, inability to handle stress and even disinterest in friends or family members. If you're an outgoing person and you find yourself having reactions that are unusual for your character, then it is often best to decide whether there may be a base syndrome that's causing this.

Sex drive in both men and women will reduce if you're afflicted with adrenal fatigue as the adrenal glands are also accountable for the making of sex hormones. Women could suffer symptoms like menopause at premature age and could experience severe pain during Premenstrual Syndrome. Men could have erection dysfunction.

From a muscle-bound viewpoint adrenal fatigue causes harsh absence of energy. It could also cause muscle weakness and discomfort in the joints and muscles. You will feel knackered and drained even after many hours sleep or will feel light headed and have peculiar food longings for salt, protein, or sugar. Low blood pressure and lower than usual body temperature are both standard symptoms. Sleeplessness could occur but should be regarded as a symptom and not a root of the other infirmities.

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