Double Chin Facial Exercises Will Tighten Up Your Chin

By Karen Smith

The media is continuously showing us pictures of what they feel is the perfect body. The reality is that not all of us can look that way. Many people develop fat beneath the chin which happens to be normal with age or weight gain. However, double chin facial exercises can help you eliminate the fat.

You should keep in mind that there are two types of chin exercises: 1)exercises that focus on the chin area primarily, and 2) those that lower unwanted fat throughout the body. The first form of exercises work to tone the muscles beneath your chin even while the other form concentrate on aerobics to burn off fat faster. Aerobic exercises are critical because it is actually not possible to eliminate fat in just one area. The body will choose the areas to eliminate fat first which may not necessarily mean your chin.

Shoulder Shrugs

Double chin facial exercises which firm up the muscles in the neck are necessary as they help support your chin. The shoulder shrug is an easy and helpful exercise for the shoulders. Stand with your feet apart at a distance comfortable for you. Place a free weight in each hand. Don't use heavy weights if you are new to working out or have not exercised for a while. Hold the arms at the sides and lift your shoulders. Raise the shoulders just as high as you're able to and maintain the position for around three seconds. Gradually go back to the starting position. Make an effort to complete three sets of ten reps.


The shovel is a second useful way for you to tone up chin muscles. Simply think of shoveling dirt when you do it. In order to perform this particular exercise, open up your mouth as wide as you can. Jut the lower jaw forward. Repeat five times. For maximum results, do the shovel daily.

The Lion

Among the most valuable workouts for your chin is a yoga pose called The Lion. It gives the whole face a workout. Kneel on a soft carpet or mat crossing your right ankle over the left. Place palms on the thighs and spread the fingers. Inhale and open your mouth and eyes wide. Curl the tongue down toward your chin. Hold the pose several seconds and release it. Do it again three to five times.

Chin Stretch

A lot of men and women find this exercise relaxing. Slowly tilt your head back just as far as it can go without straining. Open and shut your mouth slowly. You should experience a good stretch in your neck after you close the mouth. Do three sets of twenty repetitions for most effective results.

These are only a few of the double chin facial exercises you can use. You will additionally really need to watch your daily diet and engage in cardiovascular activities a minimum of three times each week. You should notice an improvement in a couple of weeks.

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