Nutrition & Weight Loss - Does Dieting Make You Fat?

Everywhere you look there are "miracle diets" that promise you proper nutrition weight loss in one way or another. However, if you take enough time to sift through all of the spam email and the volumes on bookstore shelves, you'll eventually run into a book called "Dieting Makes You Fat" by Geoffrey Cannon. In this book, the author claims that dieting is actually one of the causes of obesity.
Cannon's explanation is actually quite an simple one. As the human race evolved it developed the ability to deal with famine when faced with hard times. However, when living in nature, humans never had to deal with managing too much weight and too little exercise. Therefore, the body never evolved to understand the difference between starvation and nutrition weight loss for a healthier body mass.
And so, when the body senses that its food supply is slowing, it works to retain its fat stores instead of burning them at the same rate. This means that the more we try to drop pounds using dieting, the more the body fights to conserve its fat stores through a slowed metabolism. It's not our fault we crave sweets when we diet - it's evolution!
Dieting means fewer calories, right? Wrong. According to Cannon's book, eating a calorie-restricted diet is one of the worst things that you can do to try to get rid of some weight and keep it off. Instead, Cannon recommends that you forget the calorie counting and become more physically active, instead. This will help redirect your body's intentions toward building more lean tissue, which burns fat with greater efficacy.
That being said, Cannon doesn't think that you should just eat whatever you want. There is a difference between not watching calories and simply gorging yourself on donuts all day long. Instead, it is recommended that you compliment the increase in physical activity with a complete, well balanced quantity of food.
Have your cake! - You can eat treats if you want them, you just need to be reasonable about it. However, don't do it if you're thinking about it in terms of balance. If you think you've earned a cupcake because you went rollerblading, then you're not going to lose weight. Instead, allow yourselves treats within reason when you want them, and simply keep up an active lifestyle regardless of what you're trying to "balance off". Enjoy the treat because you haven't had a treat yet today, not because your yoga will make up for it.
Exercise Makes the Diet
Stanford University researchers performed a study that showed that people who are regularly active will burn between 500 and 700 more calories every day than inactive people. What is equally important is that the body of a fit person will burn more energy during periods of rest than that of inactive people.
Eating well and being active is the key - In truth, Cannon isn't saying that all diets are bad. What he is saying is that nutrition weight loss is more than just cutting out that extra slice of cheesecake. Success requires you to incorporate exercise - and lots of it - into your strategy to get rid of that extra fat and to get healthy.
Without continued exercise, you won't be able to lose the weight you want, and you'll never keep off anything you do manage to lose. According to Cannon, you needn't bother with the majority of diets currently available. They focus only on the food you're eating. Proper nutrition weight loss is a two-part strategy, with exercise playing just as important a role as food consumption.
Dr. William Berkowitz has been in the natural health field for more than 23 years. His focus is on maximizing health and vitality through natural means. One of his passions is Diet and Nutrition and its application to Weight Loss. Frustrated by the confusion in the Weight Loss marketplace, through his research he developed a Weight Loss program founded on the Laws of Human Physiology. He has also developed a companion Exercise Program that turns up the metabolism in just minutes a day.
To learn more about how you can avoid diets that don't work and practice effective Natural Weight Loss, click the link below for your FREE Copy of the "Experts Guide to Understanding Weight Loss". Click on this link to download your FREE copy of the "Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Keys to Weight Loss" []

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